I like Lil Wayne.

Lil Wayne is the man.

I can do a good John Wayne.

I only listen to Lil Wayne.

John Wayne never wore Lycra.

Sometimes I feel like John Wayne.

Lil Wayne was one of my favorite rappers.

I love Lil Wayne. I grew up on the Hot Boyz.

I watched a lot of 'Wayne's World' on repeat.

Having Wayne in town will be exciting enough.

I listened to Lil Wayne a lot when I was kid.

Lil Wayne is doing his thing, and so is Drake.

I back all of my players, not only Wayne Rooney.

I look at Lil Wayne as being from my generation.

My favorite rappers are Lil Wayne. I like Wayne.

I've seen John Wayne's 'True Grit' about 10 times.

Wayne Chrebet, obviously, I love watching him play.

I'd bet a million dollars on DOOM against Lil' Wayne

You can say that Wayne Coyne sounds like Neil Young.

I love Lil Wayne for even having people look my way.

It's very hard to dismantle the ball off Wayne Rooney

Lil Wayne, that's my brother. Birdman, that's family.

My daddy, he was somewhere between God and John Wayne.

'Wayne's World' is one of the best movies of all time.

I'm sure the mantelpiece of captaincy will suit Wayne.

I was Lil Wayne's fan when I hit, like, 15, 16 and up.

The ways of Wayne are mysterious and incomprehensible.

Two of my biggest heroes were my father and John Wayne.

I gave John Wayne the push he needed to get that Oscar.

John Wayne was a consummate gentleman. Bigger than life.

Lil Wayne makes good music. He's one of the best rappers.

I was a real big fan of Lil Wayne when he first came out.

I listen to Lil Wayne, and then I listen to Merle Haggard.

My problem with the alt-right is it rules out Wayne Dupree.

Lil Wayne is definitely the greatest youngest rapper alive.

If John Wayne were alive, he’d be rolling over in his grave!

I grew up loving the John Wayne and Clint Eastwood westerns.

I love Wayne, I respect his talent. I've watched him grow up.

I have played a handful of rounds of golf with Wayne Gretzky.

I'm such a maniac. Where wayne at, I'm tryna get sum brainiac.

Of the two 'True Grits,' the John Wayne version one is better.

Robin van Persie and Wayne Rooney are both outstanding players.

I don't have no... I love Lil Wayne. I grew up on the Hot Boys.

Years later I made a movie with Wayne Newton, who has Arabians.

Everybody can't be Lil Wayne. Some of us have to pick up a book.

I always wanted to be an actor. I always wanted to be John Wayne.

The wrestling equivalent to Wayne Gretzky? That's Shawn Michaels.

With John Wayne, we argued all the time and we made four pictures.

The first time I met Wayne Gretzky... he never said anything back.

I guess John Wayne would be one. I just respected the way he acted.

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