In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.

Canadian winters are long. Life is hard and so is ice.

Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, no winter in thy year.

It's not the winter that bothers me - it's the summers.

I write probably 80 percent of my stuff over the winter.

Remember This December, That love weighs more than gold!

The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches.

This would be nice when we baptize people in the winter.

Jesus will empty the tombs and melt the winter of death.

For they are the knights of summer, and winter is coming.

It's cold and it's winter and the world has gone to sleep

I have never seen snow and do not know what winter means.

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant.

Well-apparel'd April on the heel Of limping Winter treads.

Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants

Winter is the time of love and of taking the light within.

From winter, plague and pestilence, good lord, deliver us!

What fire could ever equal the sunshine of a winter's day?

The last dregs of winter spoiling the taste of everything.

In November you begin to know how long the winter will be.

It is good even to be a fisherman in summer and in winter.

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out.

In my medicine cabinet, the winter fly has died of old age.

The English winter - ending in July to recommence in August

Never take a job where winter winds can blow up your pants.

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.

All sounds are sharper in winter; the air transmits better.

Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.

In summer winter rain or sun, it's good to be on horseback.

I loved Jennifer Lawrence's performance in 'Winter's Bone.'

Oh the long and dreary Winter! Oh the cold and cruel Winter!

On my skin for the winter, I like Hydracid C20 cream by SVR.

The beauty of winter is that it makes you appreciate spring.

The heart can get really cold if all you've known is winter.

February dawn -- frost on the path Where I paced all winter.

Flowers that bloom in the winter may not survive till spring.

Winter garden, the moon thinned to a thread, insects singing.

A garden in winter is the absolute test of the true gardener.

There seems to be so much more winter than we need this year.

The winter will be long and bleak. Nature has a dismal aspect.

A man says a lot of things in summer he doesn't mean in winter.

On a lone winter evening, when the frost Has wrought a silence.

Even in winter an isolated patch of snow has a special quality.

Generally speaking, the poorer person summers where he winters.

I like the beach in the summer and the mountains in the winter.

Winter solitude- in a world of one colour the sound of the wind.

Winter is 100% my favourite time of year. I'm not a summer baby.

A sad tale's best for winter. I have one of sprites and goblins.

Autumn, in his leafless bowers, is waiting for the winter's snow.

I ball all through the winter and I stunt all through the summer.

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