Is it harder to win the Premier League than La Liga? Yes.

Yes, it's possible that I will end my career at FC Porto.

My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true.

Yes, we're still five little people with a noisy attitude.

Yes, I play dress up! I do it for a living, like a retard!

Yes, I'm a real fighter. But I often ended up empty-handed.

And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.

Yes, I've had some pretty good luck finding wonderful talent.

I try not to go crazy, but yes, I pay attention to what I eat.

Do I take care of my body and take conditioning seriously? Yes.

Yes, I still love 'South Park,' but I also love morning TV now.

Learn to say 'no' to the good so you can say 'yes' to the best.

Do I feel underrated? Yes. Does that bother me? No, not really.

The two most important words in marriage for me are 'yes, dear.'

Yes, if something good is offered in any language, I will do it.

I'm not a yes person, whether it's about a tie choice or a joke.

I'm not a very good yes man, and I'm not very easily controlled.

So if diva means giving your best, then yes, I guess I am a diva.

Do I support a driver's license for everybody? The answer is yes.

Yes, money is important. But it's all about the creative process.

Yes, I always remember my dad's, mom's and my grandma's perfumes.

Yes, sometimes I have done some wrong things and I'm not an angel.

Yes, I have an Australian wife; she is half Bengali, half British.

At the end of the day, yes, I'm looking to create a lot of wealth.

I never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes.

Yes, sampling has changed not just my way of playing and composing.

I have never advised the destruction of life, but of property, yes.

I just don't get death at all. Yes, it's there. But I don't get it.

Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.

Are there any swamps in Oklahoma? Yes, there is. It's called Tulsa.

At the side of the everlasting why, is a yes, and a yes, and a yes.

Just keep saying yes to everything - until you can afford to say no.

I live in a house with four women. Just shut up and say, Yes, ma'am.

Yes, I took up the guitar when I was about 14 or 15, in high school.

Should people working in our country speak English? Yes, they should.

I shall refract myself, yes, I shall no longer be known as the prism.

Yes, they wanted me to sign a contract of exclusivity, and I refused.

Some say no when others say yes. That's the difficulty with handball.

Yes I still enjoy playing him. He's the best person to play isn't he?

I don't see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes.

Well yes, my son was bar mitzvahed last April, after I made this film.

I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life.

I guess I was a bad boy... Yes, yes, I've had lots of women in my life.

We will move forward, we will move upward, and yes, we will move onward.

Yes, I'm proud to be indigenous. I'm half-Quechua-Huachipaeri from Peru.

Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun.

It is the end. But of what? The end of France? No. The end of kings? Yes.

I grew up in southern California in the '80s. Yes, I am a walking cliche.

I think it's just as important what you say no to as what you say yes to.

I can't just say yes to a movie. I have to be really passionate about it.

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