Say yes to everything. 'You want me to buy you some food?' Yes. 'You want me to buy you a car?' Yes.

We are in a good place. Her name is Crystal Renay. She has much promise. Yes, much promise. Quality.

I'm going to say yes, I reckon we'll have the first BME (black or minority ethnicity) prime minister.

Do I think I'm transgender? Yes, 1000 percent! Do I identify as my natural born gender? 1000 percent!

I've been a writer for 42 years and, yes, it is a full time job for me. Not a hobby, but serious work.

Yes, your home is your castle, but it is also your identity and your possibility to be open to others.

Acting is a strange profession, and, yes, sometimes I struggle with its worth, its value in the world.

Yes, it was love at first sight. I feel that after all these years, I have finally found my soul mate.

Yes, Vajpayee and Advani are very clever speakers, but that does not mean everything they say is true.

Yes, I am Algerian of Moroccan origin through my parents, but all my life is Algeria. I was born there.

Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too.

I think if you ask any young guy if they would want a career like Gary Payton, they would tell you yes.

Reading was a big thing, yes. Books were a big thing. But the things that stick out were the newspapers.

Words, yes, formulating things, creating something from your heart, it is something very necessary, yes.

It is also said of me that I now and then contradict myself. Yes, I improve wonderfully as time goes on.

Yes, I think I have some good knowledge of India. I have lots of Indian friends in the chess fraternity.

Yes, I backed the hula hoop. And I had a lot of other people come to me with ideas that turned out well.

Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.

Yes I got into things with girls who only liked me because of who I was. But I learnt my lesson quickly.

We must love one another, yes, yes, that's all true enough, but nothing says we have to like each other.

It's rude to not try and look up-to-date. Is rude the right word? Yes! It's rude - rude to other people.

Yes, there are times when I get extremely depressed and how I sublimate those feelings is through music.

The Linux philosophy is 'Laugh in the face of danger'. Oops. Wrong One. 'Do it yourself'. Yes, that's it.

We've come a long way from the days of Jim Crow, and yes, we elected a black president, but racism lives.

We say yes to every invite, and then we feel tired and anxious and stressed and overworked and burnt out.

Nothing is funnier than unhappiness, I grant you that. Yes, yes, it's the most comical thing in the world.

Yes, I'm half Italian. So my grandfather speaks heavy Italian... and I couldn't understand a word he said.

In all systems of theology the devil figures as a male person. Yes, it is women who keep the church going.

All good works of art must ask this question: 'You want to breathe free, yes, but do you know how to kiss?'

I would say, anyone who knows me says they don't envy my life. I've just been through very hard times, yes.

Yes, I love to play drums and bass and guitar and piano. Those are the main instruments I play. That is it.

Yes, we need euthanasia, for certain cases where people are in comas or too immobile to even press a button.

'Yes' is the mother of all positive words, next to 'love.' Maybe 'love' is the father of all positive words.

Yes, we have got to quit worrying about fighting each other and trying to figure out a way to work together.

I have never had a studio, and I do not understand shutting oneself up in a room. To draw, yes; to paint, no.

If there's ever a vote for single-payer, I'm a 'yes.' But there are lots of things we can do in the meantime.

Let's make it simple: Government control means uniformity, regulation, fees, inspection, and yes, compliance.

Yes, you can do it. You can dream about being on the cover of magazines; you can dream about being in a film.

My publicist told me not to talk about politics but, yes, I think we have a president who stole the election.

Yes, it's absolutely true that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly - until you can learn to do it well.

Yes, I'm a Judeo-Christian. Jesus and Moses are in my heart, and... both of them were independents, by the way.

Yes, many people compare me with my father and I feel proud and happy that Telugu people are enjoying my roles.

Is France a northern European export powerhouse, or a Mediterranean indebted and dependent economy? Yes to both.

I have seen really happy people in my life sing really well. Yes, when people get fame, then there's depression.

Yes, the work comes out more beautiful from a material that resists the process, verse, marble, onyx, or enamel.

Yes, America must do the right thing, but to provide moral leadership, America must do it in the right way, too.

I believe that people are fundamentally are decent. And, yes, you will have people that sometimes will misbehave.

I love reading beautiful stories. I love poems and yes, I fantasize about someone writing beautiful lines for me.

Everyone is your friend if you say yes, but say no and watch how they react. It's been a huge life lesson for me.

I don't listen to Bollywood music much. But yes, I listen to Indian music quite often, and other non- film music.

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