Yes, I know that you feel you are not strong enough. That's what the enemy thinks too. But we're gonna fool them.

Yes, black is slimming, but it's not always youthful. The right tone of red, however, is flattering on all women.

Beautiful? It's all a question of luck. I was born with good legs. As for the rest... beautiful, no. Amusing, yes.

Yes, at times in front of goal a fog descends. Perhaps the speed of my feet doesn't match up with that of my mind.

Yes, I believe that the art of winning is through intimidation, and not necessarily do you have to speak about it.

I had moments of my actions and words not reflecting who it is I am - if that defines a punk, then yes, absolutely.

Yes, people need food and education. But one of the cornerstones of any society is a well-functioning legal system.

Nothing can be as astounding as life. Except for writing. Yes, of course, except for writing, the sole consolation.

'The Catcher in the Rye.' When I was a teenager, that was my book; yes, somebody gets it, somebody gets adolescence.

Yes, if I wasn't a happily married man with three children, Emma Bunton would definitely be my hot-tub fantasy date.

Yes, I worked in Montreal. I worked there for 20 years... I came back to Beauce in 2006 to represent the Beaucerons.

Yes, I was a bully. But the scrapping on the streets was my way of dealing with the anger I felt towards my parents.

I've never conformed to what my record label has said and, yes, that has meant that it's been a long journey for me.

I've said yes to everything that Jon Stewart has asked me to do. That's been a pretty good career decision, I think.

Do you want an interesting job? Yes. Do you want a balanced life? Yes. And to make a contribution as well? Of course.

Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down you'd treat if met where any bar is, or help to half-a-crown.

Yes, the Green Party is committed to a healthy environment. But the Green Party is not solely committed to just that.

Yes, I have a lot of business interests. But I don't work for just anyone, and I choose the companies very carefully.

I won 11 titles but yeah, no Slam. Am I proud? Yes. Am I also disappointed? Yes. But a couple of times I was unlucky.

Anytime the premiere sports channel calls you and says they want to do a movie about you, you're going to say, 'Yes.'

Joy is in learning to say yes to what is and to surrender into flow with what is, even when it's what you don't want.

Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh's whole thing is entertainment. Yes, it is incendiary. Yes, it is ugly.

I studied in American school, so yes, I grew up speaking English and Spanish. Obviously, Spanish is my first language.

Yes, we become stronger when black and whites, Latino, Asian American, Native American, when all of us stand together.

Yes, I do write poetry. It's very therapeutic. I'm influenced by Pablo Neruda and Gulzar Saab. It's all very personal.

I entered the Miss Nigeria in America pageant - yes, it's a thing that existed. This was when I was getting my masters.

Cooking is actually quite aggressive and controlling and sometimes, yes, there is an element of force-feeding going on.

Some things is made by destiny, yes, other things by hard work, but quality you don't learn. Quality you are born with.

The great thing about the 'Fast and Furious' world is everything is up for speculation. Yes, anything is a possibility.

A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.

Yes, I am seeking a husband. As soon as the right man asks me, I shall say, 'It is not good for a woman to live alone.'

Yes, education is the catalyst that will hone and sharpen our talents, skills, and abilities and cause them to blossom.

My friends ask me if I want more kids, and I always say yes, I want more; it's the best thing you can have in your life.

Yes, I was the one people credit with inventing the cell phone. Now, whenever anyone gets a dropped call, they blame me.

I got elected as the mayor of Philadelphia and yes I am black. But my responsibility is to all the citizens of the city.

There's no excuse to be bored. Sad, yes. Angry, yes. Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there's no excuse for boredom, ever.

If you're a person who says yes most of the time, you'll find yourself in the hotel business and the restaurant business.

I guess I write four or five hours a day, but I do it seven days a week. It's very disciplined, yes, but it's joy for me.

Yes, you are under surveillance. Yes, it is odious. Yes, it should bother you. And yes, it's hard to know how to avoid it.

Yes, there's Montreal, but my real home, where my kids were born, where I became a citizen of this country, is New Jersey.

Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.

My parents were from New England. It's very funny, but when I grew up, you always had to say, 'Yes, ma'am' and 'Yes, sir.'

If you look at Stan Lee and the Marvel comics, yes, there's a lot of awesome, serious and dramatic action that takes place.

Young people, even in Hollywood, ask me, 'Were you really married to Humphrey Bogart?' 'Well, yes, I think I was,' I reply.

'Vogue' has the power to make and break - whether it's fashion trends, designers, models, and yes, even industry practices.

Have I ever been to a party with a ton of famous people in it? Yes, several times, so I guess that's a Hollywood lifestyle.

I came to Manchester City because I see them growing and getting bigger. Can they be as big as Real Madrid? Yes, I hope so.

Yes, I am successful in Asia. But if you think about that too much, you become boring. Because you don't want to take risks.

Yes, well I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can.

While choosing a fashion show, I take into consideration the designer and the collection. Then only I said yes to do a show.

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