Leonardo DiCaprio is a very serious young actor.

It was hard to get work when I was a young actor.

Johnny Depp was the most polite young actor I've ever worked with.

As a young actor, you hear 'no' every single day for years on end.

When you're a young actor, you're expected to live a transient life.

I was a young actor in my 20s, going out in Soho, having a wild time.

Every young actor wants this feeling of being the solo lead in a film.

I'm a young actor and I haven't learned everything there is about acting.

I was very ambitious as a young actor, but I wasn't good at being ambitious.

I would have never thought when I was a young actor that I would want to direct.

As a young actor, I was working much more readily and being offered more things.

The role of Rimbaud is one of the most important roles to play for a young actor.

Snake Plissken walks in the room, any young actor is going to be a bit speechless.

I kind of started 'Game of Thrones' as a really young actor and not a lot on my CV.

As a young actor, I worked with Kevin McNally and have always thought him brilliant.

As a young actor, everything new and different is an opportunity and worth its while.

I think it's my job as a young actor to watch adult actors and take tips on the way they work.

Every young actor wants to do 'Hamlet' on the West End. Why? Because they can bring something to it.

A young actor once asked me, What do you do between jobs? I said, Hobbies, hobbies, and more hobbies.

When I was a very young actor, I cruised around in a pretty cool vehicle called the Starship Enterprise.

Some people have such strong memories of me as a young actor, that it's hard to see me as anything else.

You always like to learn from people as a young actor. I think every young actor says that, but it's true.

As a young actor, it's important to see how the greatest in the industry work... diva behavior is never it.

When I was a young actor... the more different you were from the part you played, the more talent it reflected.

I started out in the theater when I was a young actor, so I've always tried to move from one medium to the other.

My experience as a young actor on network television was that I couldn't make it work. I was drowning as an actor.

You have to succeed as a young actor, then as a dad actor, those would be my 'Harvey Moon' years, then as an old actor.

It was a better time to be a young actor when I started out. There was a repertory system where you could go and practise.

For a nanosecond in the pre-Internet pre-digital age, I was a hot young actor, in the sense of popular, and then it passed.

I'm certainly a young actor. I'm certainly those two things. Actually, I'm not even young anymore; I'm 29. So, I'm an actor.

When I was beginning, a young actor could go from repertory company to repertory company. I did that and loved it. I was also lucky.

It's no fun to be a struggling young actor. It's a desperate thing, no way to be happy. If you have any alternative, you should take it.

I think every young actor in Los Angeles went up for that role. It was between Frankie Muniz and me, and he pulled out, so I got the role.

I was fortunate as a young actor, to go straight to the RSC, where I learned that being an actor can bring with it wonderful responsibilities.

When I was a young actor, in my first apartment, the first thing I bought was a Steinway piano. There was no bed at first. I slept on the floor.

When you're a young actor, there's this pressure to rush. But I hope to be doing this into my sixties and seventies, so I'd prefer to take my time.

As a young actor, I booked a movie in the U.S. I didn't speak any English at the time, so I learned my lines phonetically when I auditioned for it.

I did a lot of theater as a young actor in my early twenties, and my first few records really came from writing songs through the rehearsal processes.

It's true to say that I'm a budding young actor. But I'd rather get my name out there because of my acting rather than who I'm being photographed with.

I love working with children and this young boy, Thomas Sangster, is quite a remarkable young actor. He raises your game, you know. He certainly raised mine.

As a young actor, I found myself in all these movies at once, with two big trilogies and a Cameron Crowe film and working with Ridley Scott a couple of times.

I became popular very young. I viewed myself as just a young actor trying to figure out how to do well, and, you know, making mistakes and learning and growing.

This whole thing about winning and losing is muddy waters. But I can remember, as a young actor, just walking around this city and not being able to get arrested.

Because you know, down deep in my heart, when all is said and done, I still live under the illusion that basically people think of me as an up-and-coming young actor.

Throughout my career, even as a very young actor, people have always said to me that they would like to see my Othello. They could see something of him in me, I suppose.

I think it's really important whilst you're a young actor to try as many new things as possible... to try and do something you haven't necessarily been seen doing before.

I'm in the very fortunate position as a young actor to not have to take the first job that comes along. I'm not motivated by money at this stage in my life, I'm motivated by work.

When you're a young actor you like to go for characters with a bit of flair, so in many films I ended up playing the weirdos. I can assure you I'm not a psycho or a criminal or a bully.

Prior to doing a 'Bond' film, I was a young actor doing classical theater and some BBC dramas. Then, suddenly, I was thrown into this franchise. I had never experienced anything like it.

It's wonderful when you happen across it as an actor, finding a young actor that is literally just starting out and you understand that to them the craft is the most important aspect of the job.

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