Pro wrestling is so physical and taxing and just hurts your body; it's very aggressive entertainment.

The easiest way to get your body back after baby is to not gain too much weight during your pregnancy!

I think when you exercise in open spaces, it kind of detoxifies your body and gives you peace of mind.

It's key to know which essential foods will keep you going and help your body recover after hard work.

Move your lymph system. Lymph is like a sewage system that carries all of the toxins out of your body.

In college, the whole two years, I never sat out a practice or a game. So your body kind of wears down.

You can't tolerate anybody attempting to threaten or intimidate your body. You must respond with force.

No matter how old you are, no matter how much you weigh, you can still control the health of your body.

They say, once you have a child, your heart is forever outside your body. I totally understand that now.

I have always maintained you should be able to bench press and deadlift at least twice your body weight.

Modern medicine, for all its advances, knows less than 10 percent of what your body knows instinctively.

A calming place, where you can go to escape it all and just focus on your body, is so wonderful to have.

Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. It's a good way to detox and alkalize your body.

It's amazing what your body does to produce another human... you should thank your body for what it does.

You are going to be what you put in your body, so I try to teach that to my kids, and the kids around me.

When I'm having a really rough day, I take it out in the gym. It releases so many endorphins in your body.

The moment you have children, it's like your heart gets out of your body, puts on clothes, and walks away.

I think, as you grow older, you have figure out the best way to utilize not only your body but your skill.

You must be in supreme physical condition. If your body isn't right, you cannot play in the Premier League.

Pay attention to your body. The point is everybody is different. You have to figure out what works for you.

I love reading about ghosts, near-death experiences, astral projection - which is when you leave your body.

Even if you don't have time for a big workout, stretching in the morning and night really changes your body.

I'm about women's empowerment. I'm about agency. I'm about being in control of your narrative and your body.

Style is dressing the way that you feel confident and what is appropriate for you, your age, your body type.

You need a nutritional love diet. Don't put the junk stuff in your body - it's not going to do you any good.

Procrastination is your body telling you you need to back off a bit and think more about what you are doing.

The mentality is nonstop, to work for what you want, your mind keeping your body in the best shape possible.

Your body requires hydration to digest your food, to regulate your hormones, and to be able to think clearly.

Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.

The Olympics are great for notoriety right off the bat, but your body of work is what people remember you for.

It is a scientific fact that your body will not absorb cholesterol if you take it from another person's plate.

If you eat every two hours, your body doesn't really hold much fat, and it actually speeds up your metabolism.

It's the decomposition that gets me. You spend your whole life looking after your body. And then you rot away.

Nothing hits harder than that: nothing more frustrating than your body giving up on you before your heart does.

A huge part of Irish dance is balance, which is so good for any kind of combat - just being aware of your body.

Ballet is hard enough when you go with it; when you have to force your body to do things, it is so much harder.

Your body actually reminds you about your age and your injuries - the body has a stronger memory than your mind.

Go organic in whatever you can, whether it is organic make-up or food. It's important to keep your body healthy.

I don't believe I am hot. But I think if you keep your body in shape, work out and look after yourself, it helps.

You can free yourself from aging by reinterpreting your body and by grasping the link between belief and biology.

It takes time to really understand your body shape and it's taken me years to know what I can and can't pull off.

Before I paint someone, I always ask, 'How much examination can your body take?' 'How much do you want me to see?'

A well-tailored suit is important - and I don't like wearing belts with mine - it should be tailored to your body.

Anything is possible. No one understands how far you can push your body to the limit, and I like to play with that.

You don't throw your life away Going Inside You get to know who's watching you And besides you resides in your body

Your body loves you, but if you do not love your life, it will end it far sooner, thinking it is doing you a favor.

You spend some time raising a child in London, carrying it around on one side of your body - it puts your back out!

Toxicity causes nutritional deprivation - and your body then craves more and more food, trying to get what it needs.

As you grow older, your body does become weaker, but your mind becomes stronger. You understand and accept yourself.

Now, if some panic hits me, you have to sort of be friends with your body, it's like your body will work against you.

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