In order to resist injuries and stay healthy, you have to be mobile and agile. You have to be able to have your body work for you.

Diets play with your mind rather than your body, so if I'm doing a diet, I think about food more than if I'm just eating normally.

The mask is a pain thing. It's clammy, and your body is moving all over, and you're locked into this thing, and you can't get out.

The worst diets are ones that restrict your calories too much and try to trick your body. You have no energy, and it's ridiculous.

To be able to float and move around and, pretty much effortlessly, do whatever you want with your body in space is pretty amazing.

Lean your body forward slightly to support the guitar against your chest, for the poetry of the music should resound in your heart.

You have to protect yourself, your body, your being. You cannot treat it badly; you have to keep it, make as sensitive as possible.

I'm not dieting anymore. I want to eat what my body is asking of me. Just listen to your body in general - it's all self-awareness.

People don't realize the amount of stress you put on your body both physically and mentally from just the wear and tear of a season.

You can only punish your body so long before you're stuck with a horrendous inability to do things you'd previously been able to do.

Working on the Samurai sword is very different because your body position has to be very still. It's a much quieter was of fighting.

Your body tells you what it needs, and if you sleep past your alarm on a Saturday morning, it's probably because you need the sleep.

You may not believe in anything called a work-life balance, but your body certainly does. You need to monitor and nurture your body.

Your body begins to change when it burns and shakes... so when an exercise is challenging, I always think 'feel your body changing.'

A lot of my music that I like puts energy in your body or makes you want to dance or break something or just go mosh or jump around.

After having a baby, there will inevitably be something on your body - a mark, a scar or some loose skin - that wasn't there before.

Dopamine is a chemical released in your brain and your body when you sleep that paralyzes your body so you don't act out your dreams.

I don't believe there's an afterlife - but I don't believe there's an end to life. Consciousness goes beyond the bounds of your body.

In addition to intense workouts, you need to be mindful of what you are feeding your body in order to keep it looking trim and tight.

Feeling strong is important, and to feel in your body is a vital part of being a woman, regardless of whether you're a mother or not.

As long as your body is healthy and under control and death is distant, try to save your soul; when death is immanent what can you do?

If you clean your body out so that it is not fighting against you, you rest better, think better and you're always light on your feet.

I take the responsibility of choosing seriously because it becomes an indelible part of your body of work. Something has to sing to me.

What is portraiture? It's choice. It's the ability to position your body in the world for the world to celebrate you on your own terms.

Playing professional sports, it's important to eat healthy and take care of your body. In the offseason, rest is really important to me.

In athletics, older runners tend to go for longer races, but it's the opposite in swimming because your body can't handle the endurance.

It's important that you love and respect your body, understand what it needs, and accordingly give everything in appropriate proportion.

I discovered surfing, which I absolutely fell in love with. That feels good and kind of keeps your body aligned, so does the salt water.

Pilates makes you feel good because you're doing something that's good for your body, and you start seeing it. It elongates the muscles.

If you bring in testosterone outside your body, it probably stops producing it because it thinks you're going to get it from the outside.

If you get your body right, you get your mind right, whatever you do, you have a fighting chance, and you have a chance to be victorious.

It's not good to stretch when you're cold. Get your heart rate up, and once you finish, take time to stretch and let your body calm down.

If you need me to tell you that if you serve God, he'll heal your body and fix every one of your problems, if you need that, you're lost.

I feel like I've set the example for loving your body no matter what size it is, but I also can set the example for being healthy as well.

Pilates works all the small muscles in your body and there's so much core that comes with it - and core is so important for a quarterback.

I think an individual's mind is a marvellous thing. I truly believe that if your mind is strong, your body tries hard to keep pace with it.

You only hear the horror stories - that after a baby, you never get your body back - but it's not true; it depends on your life beforehand.

The homeland affects you directly: it affects your body; it affects the collective mind and the collective heart and the collective spirit.

I think some of the most important exercises are all the core exercises that you can do to maximize training in certain areas of your body.

It's not easy waking up every single morning knowing what you're going to put your body through and having to do it. We don't have days off.

People are awake about 16 hours a day, so to devote 30 minutes to keeping your weight down, keeping your body healthy, is not a lot of time.

The feeling of your baby taking nourishment from your body for the first time is amazing, and it remains the most touching moment of my life.

You are hungry all the time for the last two months before a competition. Every survival thing on your body is telling you that you must eat.

It's just so fun to wake up in the morning and have new muscles on your body. It does make you feel like a bigger, better version of yourself.

I've learned that no matter what shape you get your body into, if you don't get your head right, you're not going to feel good about yourself.

When you doubt one thing about yourself, you start thinking there's also something wrong with your hair, your body, your clothes, your accent.

When you push and pull heavy things, your body thinks it's going to die, and so it's like, 'I better get bigger, in case we do that tomorrow.'

I think when you go through any surgery, your body changes. And with that, it can be probably the toughest mental challenge you're gonna face.

You have to be able to center yourself, to let all of your emotions go... Don't ever forget that you play with your soul as well as your body.

Futurism is almost like a vaccination. You inject a little bit of a denatured pathogen to prepare your body in case you encounter it for real.

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