The gun went off accidentally.

Joy Behar... Is never even funny accidentally.

I accidentally forgot to graduate from college.

You don't just accidentally show up in the World Series.

In the mid-2000s, I kind of accidentally became a music editor.

I guess my weirdest fear is accidentally ingesting a sharp object.

I generally write the songs accidentally. They generally come out of nowhere.

I, sort of, got into comedy accidentally, and it got bigger than I wanted it to.

I started in radio, again accidentally. I wasn't looking for this kind of work at all.

My family joke that I'm really a very senior person who accidentally happens to be 11.

I don't mind causing offence when I intend to, but I don't like causing it accidentally.

I love beauty. But I like the beauty accidentally, not dished up, served up on a platter.

The only time I ever enjoyed ironing was the day I accidentally got gin in the steam iron.

If I have a drink in my hand, sometimes it accidentally falls in the direction of the person.

Chance explorations on search engines do not 'accidentally' lead users to extremist websites.

I accidentally make innuendos all the time without even realising. I'm middle-aged, in that sense.

If I ever accidentally make something that seems to gain traction, I'll probably abandon it immediately.

Everyone's trying to get a reality show, and we're just trying to avoid accidentally being on a reality show.

I've had a tough time learning how to act like a congressman. Today I accidentally spent some of my own money.

A wise woman keeps her hands firmly in her pockets and does not accidentally unzip anything, including her mouth.

When it's something you really adore, I think you don't want to be the one who accidentally writes a crap episode.

I've twice accidentally stolen something, and both times I went back and paid for them when I realized I had done it.

It is very easy to try to type and accidentally type, if you just got your nails done.

Sometimes I was like Beavis and Butt-head growing up. I know people who lit their friend's house on fire accidentally.

I feel more like an artist than a pop star, and I accidentally fell into what I do. Everything was just an experiment.

In my journey as a cartoonist, I seem to have accidentally stumbled into all sorts of traps, damnations and blacklists.

I read comics and I did science, and never really put them together until I accidentally found myself in the middle of one.

I accidentally entered a youth pageant when I was 14. That's like a beauty pageant, but without the beauty. It was terrible.

Since I became accidentally famous, it did give me access and, through that access, power that I couldn't just walk away from.

Canadians can easily 'pass for American' as long as we don't accidentally use metric measurements or apologize when hit by a car.

I had no idea how one became an actor. I didn't know things such as drama schools existed. It all just sort of happened accidentally.

If I gravitate toward someone, I bridge the gap between us somehow, and I accidentally maybe start seeing the world through their eyes.

I feel very grateful that I have never had to be or ever chosen to be or accidentally found myself to be in the space of the other woman.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger was pronouncing it 'Cal-LEE-fornia,' he was right - he just didn't realize he was accidentally speaking Spanish.

I started my career as an actor, then morphed into a playwright who accidentally became a novelist with my first book 'Fall On Your Knees.'

I was in several school performances, mainly Shakespeare and comedic roles. I just accidentally became an actor. I totally didn't expect this.

I accidentally saw David Byrne's last two songs in Prospect Park at a free concert because I came out of a movie late, and he was still playing.

When I left university with a history degree, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I was terrified of accidentally ending up in the wrong career.

When I was at Duke, I finally had an avocado - accidentally - on a turkey sandwich. I was hooked. Next thing I know, I couldn't get enough guacamole.

Every week, we read about horrific tragedies resulting from children who play with firearms and accidentally shoot themselves or their family members.

I think I'm accidentally funny more so than thinking of it as a craft. I'm in awe of those comedians that know how to hit it again and again and again.

I think you accidentally learn things in high school that turn out to be life lessons when you are able to step back a bit and study them in more depth.

I don't really do themes. I might accidentally, but themes are an emergent phenomena of the writing of the book, of just trying to get a story out there.

Being polite and grateful will make people more inclined to help you. And if people are willing to help you, you may accidentally get something you want.

Rules that may be easy for Wall Street are a death sentence for startups. They are easy to break accidentally and the penalty for noncompliance is severe.

Growing up in a Muslim family, I didn't eat pork and was tactically vegetarian at school in a bid to avoid accidentally dining on swine, a galling prospect.

I love to see actors' work. I love to surf channels late at night and accidentally run into movies I hadn't seen before. It makes me very proud of the profession.

Keep in mind that when public figures get in trouble for something they said, it is usually not because they misspoke, but because they accidentally told the truth.

As a producer, it's not unusual to find yourself on the field, backstage, often with a camera crew and living with constant anxiety of accidentally ending up in the shot.

What annoys me about most self-help books is that they have no tragic sense. They have no sense that life is fundamentally incomplete rather than accidentally incomplete.

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