The kind of accidents you prefer to call...accidents.

There are no accidents, only encounters with destiny!

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families.

You are not an afterthought, you are not an accident.

I can control the flow of paint: there is no accident.

My life has been a series of slightly happy accidents.

It is much easier to drive without having an accident.

We are born by accident into a purely random universe.

Even the best plans can change if there's an accident.

I was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all.

I was an accident - my mum was only 16 when she had me.

There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed.

Accidents are just incidents in God's good plan for you.

Nuclear accidents anywhere can affect people everywhere.

Fathers are biological necessities, but social accidents.

Everything good that happened to me happened by accident.

Go slowly, so that you do not bite your tail by accident.

People don't blame the act of driving for auto accidents.

sometimes an accident can be an unhappy womans best friend

The nature of the work is to prepare for a good accident .

Follow the accident, fear the fixed plan--that is the rule.

It's ridiculous. My life's been a series of happy accidents.

The notion of God is the notion of richness without accident

The fortune of nations has often depended on accidents . . .

The nature of tragedy and accident is that we cannot predict.

Almost all accidents take place because of human distraction.

A director is someone who presides over a series of accidents.

If you want to be a visionary, go out and have some accidents!

It's no accident that I'm not married and don't have kids yet.

There is no accident, just as there is no beginning and no end.

Photography's history is bound to the mistake, to the accident.

Now we average 90 accidents a day and often it's as high as 100

Panic leads to carelessness, and carelessness creates accidents.

I have deposited some of my journals here for fear of accidents.

Did I throw the most important thing perhaps, by accident, away?

‎Faith, if it is ever right about anything, is right by accident

Your strength is just an accident owed to the weakness of others.

Beauty comes naturally, but it's hard to be stunning by accident.

In the works of Nature, purpose, not accident, is the main thing.

I never thought I was going to be a singer. That was an accident.

Spike Lee is obviously more stupid than anyone can be by accident.

Neurotics are anxiety prone, accident prone, and often just prone.

I want a very ordered image, but I want it to come about by chance.

The biggest reason we want autonomous cars is to prevent accidents.

The Orientals have another word for accident; it is "kismet,"--fate.

What I love about watercolor is that a lot of happy accidents occur.

We don't usually write up accidents involving rabbits. - Joe Morelli

I personally do not write highbrow music. If I do, it's by accident.

There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet.

Decisions can be like car accidents, sudden and full of consequences.

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