My parents wanted me to work in a bank or as an accountant.

My father was an accountant and his father was a typographer.

If I wasn't singing, I'd probably be, probably an accountant.

My accountant worships me because I'm so cautious with my money.

I am the despair of my accountant; I am the plastic bags of receipts.

If my father had hugged me even once, I'd be an accountant right now.

My money goes to my agent, then to my accountant and from him to the tax man.

No, when I worked as an accountant I was falling asleep waiting for 5 o'clock.

Did you ever hear of a kid playing accountant - even if they wanted to be one?

I am not going to fiddle taxes. I pay my accountant a fortune to look after me.

If you talk to a top accountant about his field of expertise, it's mind-boggling.

People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant.

I think too much of the music industry is for the lawyer and accountant mentality.

As an accountant by trade, my work for blue chip companies took me all over the world.

I've got an accountant who's been with me forty years. If he makes a mistake, he dies.

There are three people you need in life: an accountant, a fishmonger, and a bail bondsman.

Mom was a housewife; Dad was an accountant. They taught me a lot about the value of working hard.

Never call an accountant a credit to his profession; a good accountant is a debit to his profession.

Use an accountant the first time you file your taxes after becoming a freelancer. It will be worth it.

When you're dealing with a big amount of money, you should have your own accountant and your own lawyer.

I look like an accountant. And no offense to accountants! There's some really cool accountants out there.

I just wanted to be a businessman, and to me, the best way to understand business was to be an accountant.

I come from a family of working professionals: my dad is a chartered accountant, and my mom is a professor.

It would've been hard to do something else, to as it were, run away from the circus and become an accountant.

The company accountant is shy and retiring. He's shy a quarter of a million dollars. That's why he's retiring.

I used to work at a hotel. I was the order-taker for room service. My mom worked at the hotel as an accountant.

My parents thought they were getting an accountant and a lawyer. Instead, they ended up with a PR and an actress.

I should have stayed an athlete, body well-tuned, cruising around with my accountant in a Porsche, maroon and chrome.

I have a poverty demon. I'll ask my accountant if I can afford something, and he'll say, 'What are you talking about?'

I'm an accountant. I'm a manufacturer from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, who stepped up to the plate, and now I'm a U.S. senator.

The reality is that a person who has always struggled with numbers is unlikely to be a great accountant or statistician.

While I have served in public office for 30 years, my professional training is as a pharmacist, not a lawyer or an accountant.

I've been told to speed up my delivery when I perform. But if I lose the stammer, I'm just another slightly amusing accountant.

There is no short-cut to success. Whether you want to be an engineer, a charted accountant or a fashion model you must work hard.

I think you could get a good accountant, but I think I am the best accountant for me. Can't nobody count my money like I can count it.

If you didn't know who I was, if I was to walk out on the street without people knowing who I am, you'd think I'm an accountant or a lawyer.

I had the opportunity to go to law school, and my dad, who was an accountant, couldn't believe I wanted to walk away from that and start cooking.

I always loved math in high school and I thought that I would be an accountant. But I also thought I would be better at counting money in the NFL.

I spend 90 percent of my time saying no, and my accountant yells at me for it, but when I started in this business, I wanted my career to have legs.

I grew up with music very much in my life. I achieved success by combining my training as an accountant with my family upbringing and love of music.

I was a very bad accountant; I didn't care about money, golf or discovering fraud. After about a year I was sacked; then I went into teacher training.

When you get successful, the money comes in and pretty soon you've got to hire an accountant, you've got to get up early, and then you've got a day job.

Bankers are the most obvious class of closet freeloaders, but they are certainly not alone. Many a lawyer and an accountant wields a similar revenue model.

One of my brothers is a body builder, and the other is an accountant. Both of them live in Australia, so I rarely get to see them. My sister lives in the U.S.

I was an accountant in Chicago, and a friend of mine, Ed Gallagher, was in advertising. At 4:30 every day I'd be bored, and I would call him. He'd interview me.

I would say that IQ is the strongest predictor of which field you can get into and hold a job in, whether you can be an accountant, lawyer or nurse, for example.

After Huguette Clark died in 2011 at age 104, 19 relatives challenged her will, claiming she was mentally ill and had been defrauded by her nurse, attorney and accountant.

I didn't do anything differently than what my father was doing. It's a really hard family to rebel in. I could have become an accountant. Or I could have become a Republican.

I have some classes in accounting, but I don't know anything about accounting. I - you know, when my accountant tells me all the things he does, it's a foreign language to me.

I have an accountant, obviously, because I'm self employed, and I use an independent financial adviser. I trust my accountant because we have worked together for a long time now.

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