Advertisers are very wary of ideological media.

Advertisers like shows that viewers like to watch live.

I feel like more and more advertisers are coming to YouTubers.

As a publisher, you have no direct relationship with advertisers.

Advertisers also know that humor can help bond us to their product.

I'm skeptical of any mission that has advertisers at its centerpiece.

I used to know Madison Avenue advertisers. I didn't like 'em. Bunch of jerks.

The American advertiser has made the superior American magazine of today possible.

The advertisers who believe in the selling power of jingles have never had to sell anything.

If we start attacking advertisers because of what somebody said - it's the wrong thing to do.

What's best for advertisers on Twitter's platform isn't for there to be 20 different clients.

It's against all of our policies for an application to ever share information with advertisers.

I'm tired of advertisers being the gatekeepers of what is and is not appropriate on news shows.

I believe 'credibility' is one of the biggest issues yet to be addressed by Internet advertisers.

Congress seems to believe that 'Children are our future' is a phrase coined by tobacco advertisers.

It's a battle to be seen in the world of advertisers and in the world of business as a serious force.

American advertisers rely on 'essentially illogical' approaches to determine their advertising budgets.

It's nice that HBO is in business with the audience and not with the advertisers. There's a difference.

I don't think the advertisers have any real idea of their power not only to reflect but to mold society.

Despite being able to demonstrate a very large audience, major advertisers at first wouldn't touch Limbaugh.

Broadening and deepening the relationship with our users and advertisers have always been our strategic priority.

We're committed to delivering our viewers and advertisers year-round programming with a wide variety of storytelling.

Facebook says, 'Privacy is theft,' because they're selling your lack of privacy to the advertisers who might show up one day.

People are looking for original content in many different places, as are advertisers. This takes us into a whole new ballgame.

What the advertisers are trying to do by eliminating residuals is the most appalling form of greed that I cry thinking about it.

It's a growing trend. Viewers are our customers, but so are advertisers. And advertisers want different ways to reach our viewers.

Drama or comedy programming is still the surest way for advertisers to reach a mass audience. Once that changes, all bets are off.

I don't think any reasonable person would object to you, as the advertiser, having say in who and what you want to pair your ad with.

As you start to see more respected advertisers coming in and looking at esports, you're going to find that there's a lot of interest.

Ultimately, broadcasters and advertisers have to change the way they do business or they run the risk of linear TV becoming obsolete.

The more broadband we can get globally, the better. It's better for the world; it's better for our advertisers; it's better for Google.

Advertising is very simple in a lot of ways. Advertisers go where the users go, and users are choosing to spend a lot more time online.

TiVo and other digital recording devices have confounded advertisers. The ad industry sees the technology as a threat to their product.

Christ would be a national advertiser today, I am sure, as He was a great advertiser in His own day. He thought of His life as business.

Anyone who's in the magazine business thinks about advertisers when they write about something. And anyone who says they don't is a liar.

There are all kinds of people who continue to be largely ignored by advertisers, whose lives largely go unseen. They deserve their moment.

And the more broadband we can get globally, the better. It's better for the world; it's better for our advertisers; it's better for Google.

Advertisers now have a highly targeted opportunity for aligning their brands alongside the entertainment experience people are enjoying on YouTube.

With public television, they're making things that aren't driven by advertisers. They're one of the only platforms where we can really mine for truth.

The 'ideal' body is everywhere you look, and we are made to feel like failures by advertisers and corporations who shame us into buying their products.

I worked at CBS in the late '90s, and I remember sitting in meetings with both advertisers and digerati, and everyone was saying, 'Network TV is dead.'

Social media and personalization are providing both brand advertisers and end-users with hyper-targeted choices and opportunities for double-digit growth.

Designers and advertisers like the idea of my breasts, waist line, long legs, and long neck - but have literally made gagging noises at my facial features.

You could argue that as web audiences have grown larger and advertisers have demanded scale, the web has dumbed down - like the mainstream media we so mocked.

The business of the advertiser is to see that we go about our business with some magic spell or tune or slogan throbbing quietly in the background of our minds.

The hours Facebook users put into their profiles and lists and updates is the labor that Facebook then sells to the market researchers and advertisers it serves.

Our data has been harvested, collected, modeled, and monetized - sometimes sold on as raw data, and sometimes licensed just for advertisers to be able to target us.

Combining the premium content and reach of Yahoo! as the world's leading digital media company with Facebook provides branded advertisers with unmatched opportunity.

When advertisers ignore diversity, it is because they don't think the lives of others matter. There is not enough of a financial imperative for those lives to matter.

Advertisers rip out one another's conscience to control the spending impulses of males ages 18 to 34, who now have the cyber world at their fingertips. They want more.

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