Don't necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary ...

Don't necessarily avoid sharp edges. Occasionally they are necessary to leadership.

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on ...

The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.

I avoid crazy women.

Avoid running at all times.

I try to avoid large crowds.

I try to avoid giving advice.

I try to avoid political ties.

I avoid looking in the mirror.

Don't get old, if you can avoid it.

Avoid sloth, the mother of all vices!

I do my very best to avoid shark fin.

I've managed to avoid tattoos so far.

You must avoid sloth, that wicked siren.

Hyperbole is something I'd better avoid.

Avoid popularity if you would have peace.

My goal is to try to avoid a regular job.

One promises much, to avoid giving little.

It is best to avoid the beginnings of evil.

Avoid fruits and nuts. You are what you eat.

Avoid fried foods, which angry up the blood.

Outside books, we avoid colorful characters.

I wanted to avoid, special IO for terminals.

We must laugh at man to avoid crying for him.

Avoid sarcasm. Don't insist on the last word.

I stick to healthy meals and avoid junk food.

I labored hard to avoid trouble and bloodshed.

I want to avoid injuries by running only road.

Dilettantism is the sort of thing one must avoid.

I've been trying to avoid goal-oriented behavior.

It's hard to avoid the past but one goes forward.

The best way to avoid danger is to meet it plump.

I also tried to avoid doing obvious dance records.

I love reading; it's a great way to avoid writing.

I spend all my time trying to avoid the spotlight.

Is it easy to avoid paparazzi? It is, it really is.

You try to avoid the mistakes you made in the past.

Last, but not least, avoid cliches like the plague.

I try to avoid typecasting by doing different roles.

More cuts were needed to avoid exiting the eurozone.

The best way to avoid warfare is if no one shows up.

The West wanted to avoid an Islamic state in Europe.

It's really American to avoid paying taxes, legally.

How much would you pay to avoid a second Depression?

I seldom look at myself to avoid any self-criticism.

I've tried to avoid labels, but they always find you.

I don't avoid confrontation, people should know that.

I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.

I never try to avoid 'Ugly Betty' fans, as I love them.

Actors should avoid talking about their personal lives.

Men have the power of thinking that they may avoid sin.

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