Sanctions are a bad idea.

Nothing dies harder than a bad idea.

Free enterprise is not a bad idea and has produced art.

A capitalistic kibbutz is not a bad idea. You need both.

Opposing the free flow of goods or people is a bad idea.

Nothing surpasses the beauty and elegance of a bad idea.

You never know when you'll have a bad idea for a worse joke.

No one knows what's a good idea or a bad idea until you try it.

It's not a bad idea to be single, so I can concentrate on my job.

The bottom line is, winter navigation on the Seaway is a bad idea.

It's not a bad idea to have gossip and talking points in athletics.

It's a really bad idea to be in a band and get involved with each other.

I think lying is a bad idea. Sooner or later, someone's going to catch you.

I think it's a very bad idea for someone to start writing for a readership.

I think software patents are a bad idea. Many patents are given for trivial inventions.

I don't agree with any form of butler, so definitely not a robot one. It's lazy, so a bad idea.

Criminalizing behavior, if it's part of the heritage of this state, is in my opinion a bad idea.

I have a tendency to hire people who tend to be unattractive to the studios. Maybe this is a bad idea.

Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California.

Minimum sales prices for alcohol are a startlingly bad idea. As with excise duties, the effects are regressive.

When public figures think they can open a business even though they've got no business experience, it's a bad idea.

Another solid run through Central Park. Admittedly, six miles turns out to be a bad idea after a full day in heels!

I've never seen bad drawing destroy a good idea. On the other hand, I've never seen a good drawing save a bad idea.

While it's generally easier to stay the course, it's a bad idea if that course does not take us where we want to go.

Going to college and studying music is not a bad idea at all. I don't know if you can go to college and be taught heart.

There's a thing in comedy where you take one step into a bad idea, but if you take 10, then it becomes a good idea again.

It's not a bad idea to occasionally spend a little time thinking about things you take for granted. Plain everyday things.

Receiving a reputable pro-Israel award isn't a bad idea for a Democrat or a Republican in a New York City congressional district.

The idea of taking what people call the 'entertainment culture' as a focus of study, including historical perspective, is not a bad idea.

It was a bad idea, because I think that any government reorganization has to come in relatively small bites, or else you get indigestion.

I think mass surveillance is a bad idea because a surveillance society is one in which people understand that they are constantly monitored.

Comparing oneself with one's fellow writers is a bad idea. I would not review a fellow writer unless I had something terribly positive to say.

It is almost always a bad idea to use a reverse mortgage to pay for a vacation or to buy a risky investment, like stocks or deferred annuities.

You have to search for the best writer - I'm not saying I'm the one, but it's a bad idea to just find the person who is a copycat of Stieg Larsson.

I think in general, lines are a bad idea. Especially if they sound like lines. Everyone's immediate reaction is to just kind of cringe a little bit.

Girls are so quick to say they can't do something, and they won't even try, whereas boys tend to just go for something even if it's probably a bad idea.

The idea that human beings have taken a few steps closer toward asserting control over the Earth's climate is likely to strike you as a really bad idea.

This whole notion of a post racial America was nonsense from the very beginning. It was a bad idea, a bad notion, a bad formulation when it was first raised.

I worry about global anti-Semitism - not just as a bad idea that originates from bad people, but also as something that arises as a challenge to global order.

From a very young age, militarism and trying to solve the world's problems through militarism is something that has always resonated with me as being a bad idea.

Nobody has yet proven that taking a chance and doing something unique that an audience isn't used to is a bad idea. What the theater lacks is that kind of courage.

Certain food-based biofuels like biodiesel have always been a bad idea. Others like corn ethanol have served a useful purpose and essentially are obsoleting themselves.

I don't think it's such a bad idea that people learn the same history in school. I think it tends to ground people and give them something to respond to and react against.

These efforts to defund Planned Parenthood fail because one out of five American women have used Planned Parenthood at one time or another in their life. It's just a bad idea.

If we have a great idea, we'll go, 'Oh, this could be a cool movie.' Or really for us, it's more like, 'Oh, this is a really bad idea. Let's do this. This seems really stupid.'

Back in '93 and '94, when 'Dookie' was being made, my dad built this tour bus for us, out of a bookmobile. We toured in it for the first year. It was a really bad idea, by the way.

My father said I should become a doctor and do science in my spare time, which in retrospect might not have been a bad idea, but I wasn't interested in taking care of people's ills.

When I was in my early 20s, I had my hair permed. Bad idea! It turned into total frizz. My advice to women is, if you have nice hair already, don't get a perm, leave your hair alone!

I had a good experience in college, but I don't think interdisciplinary education is something that's stressed very much at all. It's generally considered to be something of a bad idea.

I tend to not only read reviews, but also every little stupid thing online. It's a very bad idea, and there's a lot of angry people in the world. And it's weird to absorb all that weirdness.

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