I believe God will fight my battles for me.

You know, you pick and choose your battles.

The biggest battle in life is with yourself

It's always a battle to maintain my weight.

The battle is over when the foe has fallen.

A book may be as great a thing as a battle.

If a battle can not be won do not fight it.

Without cavalry, battles are without result.

The greatest battles are fought in the mind.

Every single day is a battle to stay strong.

Care for him who shall have borne the battle

Let heaven-eyed Prudence battle with Desire.

When the will is given, the battle is ended.

With a good heart, you can win many battles!

Everyone prepares for battle in his own way.

The battle of getting better is never ending.

Battle scars just remind us that we survived.

Ignorance is a poor tool in a battle of wits.

The hotter the battle the sweeter the victory.

I'm always down for a battle. I was born down.

Equality in education is my number one battle.

I'm a lover, not a fighter. No battles for me.

Old age isn't a battle; old age is a massacre.

This battle for global talent is so important.

The fight for democracy is a long-term battle.

If you have no faith, you've lost your battle.

Be kind, for everyone is having a hard battle.

Of course we fight. What sisters don't battle?

It's always been a battle to play the Warriors.

I went through a lot of battles in high school.

A good front is half the battle in love or war.

Only a battle lost is sadder than a battle won.

Good intelligence is nine-tenths of any battle.

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy.

Are you winning the battle against materialism?

All significant battles are fought within self.

The battle is long, but that's football, sport.

I bear the wounds of all the battles I avoided.

Joy is a weapon we use to fight life's battles.

Cricket is battle and service and sport and art.

I was in World War Two at the battle of Okinawa.

No battle is worth fighting except the last one.

Temptation is not a sin; it is a call to battle.

You can't fight a battle you don't think exists.

The greater the battle - the greater the spoils.

Battles are won and lost before they are fought.

It's always a battle to play against Diego Costa.

A beautiful battle is one you don't have to fight

We hate the hawk because he ever lives in battle.

Most battles are won before they are ever fought.

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