They sat it "Rains Blood" at scenes of battle... you truly...make blood rain

When you're trained for battle, the idea is that it will be man against man.

And of course death can't be conquered...but oh, the battle can be glorious.

One may summon his philosophy when they are beaten in battle, not till then.

My demons, inner strengths and physical battles have guided me through life.

I feel like each possession is a battle and you never want to lose a battle.

I love Javier Marias; I love his novel 'Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me.'

War is a quarrel between two thieves too cowardly to fight their own battle.

If I move, if I speak, if I so much as blink, I'm going to lose this battle.

Moral standards cannot be changed by battle and cannot be changed by ballot.

The battle outside raging will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls.

It's a constant battle for everybody, but you need to be happy with yourself.

Our main battle has always been against Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers.

Everything I say about [writing] battles applies equally well in the boudoir.

In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork.

One of the toughest battles in intelligence is combating conventional wisdom.

It is the old battle, between those who use a toothbrush and those who don't.

Until now they have refused to do battle with us. They are just going places.

If you look at 'Golden Son,' it was just a focused, isolated battle for Mars.

A game of chess is not an examination of knowledge; it is a battle of nerves.

I do not fight battles that cannot be won. Do not confuse that with cowardice.

Posterity, thinned by the crime of its ancestors, shall hear of those battles.

The Trojan War without Homer was nothing more than a battle over trade routes.

Knowledge is a Weapon, Jon. Arm yourself well before you ride forth to Battle.

Who'll love Aladdin Sane? Battle cries and champagne just in time for sunrise.

Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge.

Women are frightening. If you get to 41 as a man, you're quite battle-scarred.

The legal battle against segregation is won, but the community battle goes on.

Live not for Battles Won. Live not for The-End-of-the-Song. Live in the along.

To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle.

I get recognized more for my 'Lip Sync Battle' than I do for being Spider-Man.

A battle is developing between them' I say developing, because it's not yet on.

No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Not when the enemy is me.

The only grandeur of imperialism lies in the nation's losing battle against it.

There is a battle that goes on between men and women. Many people call it love.

The purpose of battle is to attain the greatest heights within your own limits!

You might have lost some major battles, but you survived and you're still here.

Let him not boast who puts his armor on as he who puts it off, the battle done.

That's what the world is , after all: an endless battle of contrasting memories.

As well the soldier dieth who standeth still as he that gives the bravest onset.

Usually in a battle sequence when a bomb is going off, you forget you're acting.

The battles, the fights, the bruises, the bites. That's the way true love grows.

It takes more courage to send men into battle than to fight the battle yourself.

Say what you will, nothing can make a complete soldier except battle experience.

It's a big battle to bring quality stuff into theaters across America, for sure.

It's all God's will: you can die in your sleep, and God can spare you in battle.

Indeed, one perfect resister is enough to win the battle of Right against Wrong.

The artist has to transcend a subject, or he loses the battle. The subject wins.

There's nothing worse than seeing your teammates battle, knowing you can't help.

A crossbow?” Pigeon asked. I left my battle-ax in my other jeans,” the man said.

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