I think suspense is a big thing.

Winning titles is a big thing for me.

But my big thing was always the blues.

I'd always had a big thing for the '60s.

Weight was a big thing for me to overcome.

First love is such a big thing growing up.

My big thing is that I always get typecast.

Competitiveness has been a big thing for me.

It is a big thing to work in a foreign film.

It's a big thing, our relationship with ITV.

Tennis is a big thing in the Czech Republic.

The big thing is that you know what you want.

Beating a guy like Bader, that's a big thing.

My history is to find the next big thing early.

I come from Cuba. Taxes for me are no big thing.

The DJ role, it's never been a big thing for me.

I think the big thing is don't be afraid to fail.

Just to get asked to a Ibiza Rocks is a big thing.

If you just trust the process, that's the big thing.

Being pretty was always a very big thing growing up.

Things such as corruption is a big thing in the ANC.

The big thing for actors is the level of commitment.

At every show, I pray with my band. It's a big thing.

There is always the next big thing, the next big skater.

Caring less about what people think is a big thing for me.

The big thing for me is to motivate people, even globally.

If I knew what the next big thing was, I'd be doing it now.

When I'm not performing? I'm looking for the next big thing.

My parents were from Wisconsin, and football was a big thing.

To be the first Belgian to play for Liverpool is a big thing.

I used to be a huge collector, and my big thing was stickers.

I took up scuba diving, and my next big thing is BASE jumping.

I think it's a blessing that social media is such a big thing.

We're trying to always expand Smosh and make Smosh a big thing.

I don't cry that much, and if I do, it's for a really big thing.

I don't have a big thing about leaving my mark or being historic.

I was the last of the British style that was a big thing in Japan.

We all get knocked down in life, the big thing is getting back up.

It's attractive when girls have faith. That is a big thing for me.

I think training with guys is a big thing that everyone needs to do.

Pride is a big thing that gets in the way of a lot of relationships.

The big thing is to make a winning effort. I'm not obsessed with wins.

Music is a big thing for me when I'm shooting. It gets me in a groove.

When you're in a band, it's kind of a big thing to be friends as well.

Being Irish was a big thing for me, particularly growing up in Chicago.

The big thing for me is no longer is trying to impress people around me.

And then, I do love my shopping, but actually, lounging is the big thing.

I have never understood why promotion is such a big thing in Hindi films.

It's no big thing, but you make big things out of little things sometimes.

And I wouldn't take on such a big thing if I didn't think I could nail it.

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