Loyalty is my biggest thing.

The win is the biggest thing.

Playing is the biggest thing there is.

The biggest thing for me is just get the win.

That's the biggest thing: be kind and be original.

The biggest thing for me is I want to be consistent.

Plagiarism is always the biggest thing in Hollywood.

The biggest thing about management is self-motivation.

I think the biggest thing in my game is my confidence.

Learning how to slow the game down is the biggest thing.

My biggest thing to say is just don't worry about money.

For me, my biggest thing, my biggest mantra, is winning.

The biggest thing I learned from losing? Winning's better.

The biggest thing my dad taught me was to play without fear.

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.

For kids back home, making our state proud is the biggest thing.

My biggest thing is that I never want to sell out. Or be a sellout.

The biggest thing is we need to stop acting like racism don't exist.

The biggest thing I've been working on his just finding the open man.

My biggest thing is I really want to be able to travel and make videos.

Overcoming my sister's shadow was the biggest thing I ever tried to do.

The biggest thing I have learnt is not to overdo make-up - less is more.

Our biggest thing in the locker room is to just have fun and stay loose.

The biggest thing is to let your voice be heard, let your story be heard.

I think the biggest thing, for me, was just to be recognized as a songwriter.

The biggest thing you can have as a football manager is happiness and energy.

The biggest thing as I have gotten older is the calmness that's come over me.

The biggest thing is becoming a better player and proving your doubters wrong.

The biggest thing I learned is directors don't make a lot of money on a movie.

For me, the biggest thing is to adjust from college to a professional setting.

The biggest thing is to work hard and keep your head on straight and work hard.

I think playing is the biggest thing for me. I don't think practice can help me.

For me, the biggest thing is someone who's kind. I'm not into the bad-boy thing.

The biggest thing as a head coach, you want to make sure you exhaust every option.

I'm not super outgoing, but I think the biggest thing I can do is lead by example.

Really, I think the biggest thing is just playing your game and doing what you do.

For me, the biggest thing with money has always been independence - just the biggest.

People love gossip. It's the biggest thing that keeps the entertainment industry going.

When I came off 'The X Factor,' I wasn't necessarily the biggest thing. I really wasn't.

The biggest thing is I watch myself: What I need to improve on, what I can do different.

I think the biggest thing is voice. Whose voice is it? Who gets to control the narrative?

When I first started the biggest thing I wanted was for the opposition to acknowledge me.

The biggest thing my parents gave me was this feeling of, not 'dream big,' but strive big.

In reality, climate change is actually the biggest thing that's going on every single day.

The biggest thing in my life - the biggest - is raising dollars to help kids battle cancer.

The biggest thing I've learnt is not to limit myself by the norm or what I should be doing.

You have to know your identity. It's the biggest thing in wanting to pursue creative dreams.

The biggest thing I possess is infinite patience. Once you are patient, things fall in place.

I think that's the biggest thing in this sport is when you prepare, you have extra confidence.

The biggest thing for me is just to get out on that field. Just to do that will be incredible.

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