We should be able to support our own economy within our own borders.

To build means to make architecture real on the borders of knowledge.

Life begins only when we cross the borders and not definitely before!

We`re going to have a real border, because we`re going to have a wall.

I'm competitive with myself. I always try to push past my own borders.

You look at our borders, they're like swiss cheese, everybody pours in.

God's love for others does not stop at the border; neither should ours.

The border between good and evil passes not outside of us but within us

The Middle Eastern states aren't nations; they're quarrels with borders.

I want to explore the borders between being a genius and being an idiot.

Music and dance is universal, and I want to break borders and represent.

Any assault on the borders of perception is going to seem rash at first.

American audiences very rarely deal with material outside their borders.

We are committed to peace but we will defend our borders with full might.

The companies are multinational--why should labor still stick to borders?

Preemptive war is what Israel did in '67 with Arab armies on its borders.

Departure beyond the borders of my country is for me equivalent to death.

In the aftermath of September 11th, it is critical to secure our borders.

Let not your zeal to share your principles entice you beyond your borders.

My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.

The shortcomings of America's political leaders do not stop at our borders.

Liberal hopefulness Regards death as a mere border to an improving picture.

We need a human presence at the border and a humane presence at the border.

Every country has the right to manage who comes in and out of those borders.

This planet is for everyone, borders are for no one. It's all about freedom.

The loss of young first love is so painful that it borders on the ludicrous.

If terrorists aren't limited by borders and boundaries, we can't be, either.

It's time for us to keep better track of our livestock as they cross borders.

America has defended other nation's borders while refusing to defend its own.

No state should have to endure the threat of terrorists entering our borders.

I'm from Middlesboro, Ky., a little town on the Tennessee and Virginia border.

A 'competence' that has no defined borders cannot be called a true competence.

Our feeling of community and security in Europe requires safe external borders.

Most Americans do not support amnesty, especially without securing the borders.

We have absolutely no intention of, or interest in, crossing Ukraine's borders.

Once we have the infrastructure in Africa, it should not be blocked by borders.

Our ports and our borders are the most unprotected fronts in the war on terror.

We are already overcrowded. There's no more room, and we must shut the borders.

The covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated that infectious diseases know no borders.

Mexico will not be taking advantage of us. They will not be having open borders.

I am very familiar with Hungary, because I grew up in Romania, which borders it.

A good story can travel in time and borders; it hits you no matter where you are.

It is essential for our national security to know who resides within our borders.

Enron CEO Kenneth Lay has apparently just slipped across the border into Pakistan.

Our enemies did not cross our borders They crept through our weaknesses like ants.

We want to decide how we control our borders, our money, our economy, our currency.

It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys.

If you don't control the borders, it doesn't matter what immigration laws you have.

Nigel Farage has persuaded too many people that we have lost control of our borders.

Cinema, art and culture should definitely be shared. These things transcend borders.

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