Eligible citizens from any State in the Union can serve in the Border Protection Corps of that State

Afghanistan can't police its borders, and its neighbors give sanctuary and assistance to insurgents.

We're not going to have a wall [on Southern border] like now which is either non-existent or a joke.

[Young people] are showing enormous and entrepreneurship and working with each other across borders.

Operation Sovereign Borders has been one of Australia's greatest national security policy successes.

Music is an art that touches the depth of human existence; an art of sounds that crosses all borders.

The Israelis would like to live in peace within their borders; the Arabs would like to kill them all.

Except on their southern borders the great northern forests are not good as a permanent home for man.

In a world full of shifting borders, everything is happening all at once in every possible direction.

Since problems spill across borders, security anywhere depends on sustainable development everywhere.

The European Borders Agency in Warsaw has been created to help border forces in Europe cooperate more.

If the world sees that we can defend our borders... then no one will try to come to Hungary illegally.

If I was in a refugee camp somewhere on the Pakistani border, of course I'd want to come to Australia.

Today in the era of globalization there is no such issue as borders between states of the same nation.

I believe that our national security lies not just in protecting our borders, but in bridging divides.

Paul Ryan was grown in a petri dish in D.C. He is absolutely an open borders guy, through and through.

I cannot conceive of Israel withdrawing if Arab states do not recognize Israel, within secure borders.

I used to fish the Border rivers, but nowadays you have to queue up for a shot and I can't stand that.

You know, a huge drain on California's economy is the illegal immigrants. We need to close the borders.

When one cow was found with BSE in 2003, many of our trading partners closed their borders to our beef.

[Hezbollah forces] cannot exist all over Syria anyway, for many reasons, but they exist on the borders.

I want Israel to have borders. For that, I need a map. I need a map on which our borders are specified.

I'm on record saying nothing about immigration until we secure the borders. The borders are not secure.

Interesting things happen along borders - transitions - not in the middle where everything is the same.

The India-Nepal border should not be a barrier but a bridge which helps bring prosperity to both sides.

American greatness can be further unlocked if opportunity is expanded to all people within its borders.

Our ability to create jobs, our future growth, is built on the free market. It's built on open borders.

Federal authorities do not have the manpower or the resources to protect America's international borders

In my opinion, love is not about gender, it's not about religion. Love has no borders and no boundaries.

He can fight terrorists overseas, but he leaves our borders so they can come in here and do their thing.

Since President Trump has assumed office, I have learned a great deal about the problems on our borders.

Basketball without Borders made me who I am and it's just something that is such a huge part of my life.

You live in the age of interdependence. Borders don't count for much or stop much, good or bad, anymore.

The Americas has been a relatively stable continent. The last truly new border we have is Panama in 1903.

I've learned that borders are where the actual ends, but also where the imagination and the story begins.

When I started half.com, our three biggest competitors were Borders, Tower Records and Blockbuster Video.

I must declare that it is better for India do discard violence altogether even for defending her borders.

We are familiar with terrorism. But indiscriminate, cross-border, religiously motivated terrorism is new.

Europe is especially vulnerable to terrorists who may hide among the refugees pouring across its borders.

Federal authorities do not have the manpower or the resources to protect America's international borders.

American values and legal traditions do not permit the indefinite detention of people beyond our borders.

Historically courts in this country have been insulated. We do not look beyond our borders for precedents.

In fact, the place where we have indicted more terrorists or potential terrorists, is our Northern border.

The men and women at our borders, given adequate resources, are doing an excellent job of keeping us safe.

History will tell you that borders are not inevitable, they hardly existed at the end of the 19th century.

Ends the policy of catch and release at the border, requires other countries to take back their criminals.

But the simple truth is that we've lost control of our own borders, and no nation can do that and survive.

There are important questions about protecting and securing the border, but we don't need to build a wall.

Respect and affection for animals, particularly those who share our homes, recognize no geographic borders.

Pedagogically, we need definitions and borders. They help us get our heads around what we're talking about.

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