Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. ...

Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness. Listen to it carefully.

Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck. If you live through ...

Being divorced is like being hit by a Mack truck. If you live through it, you start looking very carefully to the right and to the left.

I choose my roles carefully.

Comedy has to be built carefully.

Before beginning, plan carefully.

I normally try to drive carefully.

I have to chose my words carefully.

I write my columns pretty carefully.

I curate my T.V.-watching quite carefully.

Study carefully the law of cause and effect.

I always like to think I eat quite carefully.

For me a thriller is a very carefully structured story.

Being an only child, my mother reared me very carefully.

Think carefully before asking for justice. Mercy might be safer.

Architecture begins when you place two bricks carefully together.

There are only twelve tones and they need to be treated carefully.

How carefully would I atone, if I might, for the time I have lost!

We have to examine very carefully any privacy-reducing technology.

The people who know personal finance hide the money very carefully.

Pick your enemies carefully or you'll never make it in Los Angeles.

Just try not to ingest a lot of fats, and just try to eat carefully.

If you want to stay young-looking, pick your parents very carefully.

Chinese military spending is carefully monitored by the United States.

I consider what I write to be literature. I choose the words carefully.

I do consider how I spend my time off carefully because I've got two kids.

I would definitely love to do Hindi films but I'll choose films carefully.

We have to slowly, carefully, and thoughtfully align all of our interests.

I have to arrange my life very carefully. I need eight hours' sleep to work.

I'm very careful with my media intake. I try and monitor it pretty carefully.

If we can't find cuts in the defense budget, we're not looking carefully enough.

Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.

I don't do much rewriting, because each paragraph is very carefully put together.

I've decided to pick my moment to retire very carefully - in about 200 years time.

And a musician has to learn to be frugal and to carefully manage financial affairs.

When I was in high school, if my favorite band got too popular, I'd watch carefully.

It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed.

I like putting all my eggs in one basket and then watching the basket very carefully.

If you want to give a show, make it real, and people will listen to you more carefully.

Too many athletes don't have the ability to set a goal and then carefully go towards it.

Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month. Others just go over them.

You know when you work with animals you have to do so very carefully, species by species.

You might not have the things you want, but if you check carefully, you got all you need.

Choose your friends carefully. It is they who will lead you in one direction or the other.

Certain times, I'll choose my words very carefully and maybe come off a little more boring.

I don't want to bother them and ruin the party they are preparing so carefully at La Scala.

I believe if a sentence is to retain its strength over time, it needs to be carefully made.

I choose the places I go to carefully and wisely. I'll rarely go to a shopping mall anymore.

I really don't storyboard unless it's an action sequence of some kind, but I plan carefully.

If you listen carefully to Rick Santorum, he sounds more like Stalin than Pope Innocent III.

When I give a man an office, I watch him carefully to see whether he is swelling or growing.

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