I'm like a Dilbert cartoon.

We are all God's animated cartoons.

I like physics, but I love cartoons.

What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?

I was always into cartoons and animation.

I was a big comic, cartoon, animation nerd.

I'm a big cartoon fan! Bugs is my favorite.

I didn't want to start acting like a cartoon

There are no cartoons about happy marriages.

I didn't want to start acting like a cartoon.

The only cartoon I ever liked was 'Fantasia.'

Each cartoon needs the right amount of wrong.

Cartoons are windows into the human condition.

Political cartoons are the ass-end of the artform

You never come home depressed from a cartoon job.

The way people love sci-fi is how I love cartoons.

Rugrats was my favorite cartoon growing up as a kid.

I see myself as an artist who happens to do cartoons.

'Rugrats' was my favorite cartoon growing up as a kid.

When I was in middle school, I liked to make cartoons.

When I did sports cartoons, I used to uh, go to fights.

Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon grave yard.

I'm a cartoon junkie. Love 'Avatar: The Last Airbender.'

I didn't watch cartoons, I was too busy playing football.

I liked the girly cartoons. I was very much a girly-girl.

I started out as a musician, and I ended up as a cartoon.

Not a lot of people get to say, 'I'm a cartoon character.'

I've done the voice for the Hulk for the animated cartoon.

I don't wanna play this kind of cartoon character anymore.

It's fun to take two topics and mix them into one cartoon.

I think 'Prince Valiant' was the first cartoon I ever did.

I'm in a Road Runner cartoon, Sinclair. And I'm the coyote.

I watch cartoons the way most adults watch reality-TV shows.

My parents were really strict about me not watching cartoons.

I'm a great admirer of cartoons, because I can't do cartoons.

What kind of a god is it that's upset by a cartoon in Danish?

The fine-art world knows very little about the cartoon world.

I always imagined my little cartoons on plates for some reason.

All I want is for people not to see me as this cartoon monster.

I see our veterans as American heroes, not as cartoon characters.

I just really love the cartoon form. I love the plasticity of it.

I must admit I don't watch a lot of Adult Swim or Cartoon Network.

Scientists need to invent a way to make DNA work like in cartoons.

I first sold a cartoon for five dollars. I was in the fifth grade.

I hated Woody Woodpecker and Scooby-Doo, but I was a cartoon freak.

Watching Fox, that's like watching the Cartoon Network. Fox is nuts.

I was involved in a web cartoon of Kung Fu with WB a few years back.

I loved 'Dungeons & Dragons'. That was actually a good cartoon to me.

My first encounter with Cyborg was through the 'Teen Titans' cartoon.

I love classic animation, and I especially love classic cartoon music.

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