This is an exact replica of my chest.

My heart was beating out of my chest.

I wore U.S.A. across my chest in 1976.

I got to have that S on my chest. Superman.

The devil lies brooding in the miser's chest.

The way to a man's heart is through his chest.

The home should be the treasure chest of living.

I have the word 'Shameless' tattooed on my chest.

If I could change two things, it would be my chest.

A concave chest means that your diaphragm is sagging.

The quickest way to a man's heart is through his chest.

Make your refrigerator or freezer like a treasure chest.

He may have hair upon his chest but, sister, so has Lassie.

The 1920s brought not only the Charleston but the flat chest.

Faith is the very first thing you should pack in a hope chest.

They don't pay you a million dollars for two-hand chest passes.

You've got to have this burning desire in your chest to succeed.

I grew up in an era where an orchestra was like a treasure chest.

Apes beat their chests so they don't have to fight 24 hours a day.

I think a man is a man, and a man has a hairy chest, so let that be!

I am actively campaigning for 'chest hair' to become an Olympic sport.

I have a tattoo of Joy Division on my chest, and I like One Direction.

Rap is just somebody getting something off his chest. That's all it is.

I break out in a rash if I go to the gym; all I did was shave my chest.

I'm prone to breaking out on my chest and back because I work out a lot.

Daley may be sinking. The hot water has gone from his chest to his neck.

I'm a big fan of Elvis, man. I got 'Heartbreak Hotel' tattooed on my chest.

As far as cities go, Havana is a festering treasure chest, a primary color.

When your chest is open, and you're breathing deeply, it lifts your spirits.

My sister used to say I had a frail chest and she 'd beat me up all the time.

I have a dress-up chest at home. I love to create this fantasy kind of thing.

Anytime I sing the anthem, it is an honor and my heart beats out of my chest.

A book store is a treasure chest. Every time you walk in one, you strike gold.

I don't have a tuxedo that fits anymore because my chest and my biceps are too big.

I don't have anything to get off my chest. I'm not itching to prove myself anymore.

I didn't really care about sales figures. I just wanted to get things off my chest.

People want me to do the strangest things. They want me to sign their arms or chests.

I don't believe in diet pills. I don't want my heart to race and pop out of my chest.

Right now I'm on my God flow, you know what I mean? I got Job 1:21 tattooed on my chest.

I'm planning to have a career based on my acting skills rather than the size of my chest.

Sometimes you have to keep things very close to your own chest in your life, or this life.

I've got Africa stamped on my chest, and I've outlined Nigeria because that's my bloodline.

The rule of thumb is, if you feel chest pains, chew on an aspirin to thin the blood rapidly.

When people call me the Amitabh of the Bhojpuri experience, I feel my chest swell with pride.

What's with you men? Would hair stop growing on your chest if you asked directions somewhere?

Any pose that is an arch will open the chest cavity and is excellent for energizing the body.

Any nerd who grew up around the time that I did, BBC programming was a treasure chest for us.

My chest problem was a major worry because it was exactly the same symptoms as a heart attack.

No matter what, you have to always keep your chest out. Sometimes it's hard; it's really hard.

A fan had written my name on his chest with blood once. That was not just crazy but scary, too!

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