Chips. All day. Every day.

When you chop wood, chips fly.

I love burgers, and I love chips.

I love chips and salsa. Guacamole.

I especially enjoy fish and chips.

I just really love building chips.

You can't go wrong with fish and chips.

I never rode a motorcycle before CHiPs.

I never rode a motorcycle before 'CHiPs.'

Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a child?

Disabled veterans are not a bargaining chip.

Chips of plutonium are twinkling in every lung.

I just didn't realize how powerful 'CHiPs' was.

Those who rule chips will rule the entire world.

You just chip away until the puzzle is complete.

I've got about $30,000 in chips, not near enough.

I don't have chips on my shoulders, I have bricks.

I will not use people's lives as bargaining chips.

Every writer must have a chip of ice in his heart.

You should do what we do, stack chips like Hebrews.

The E.U. without Britain is like fish without chips.

Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?

Humor is the chocolate chips in the ice cream of life.

Scoops of mint ice cream with chips of chocolate cows.

Obama's an angry guy. He's got a chip on his shoulder.

Soy sauce and seaweed go really well with potato chips.

In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.

I could just have chips and salsa for dinner every day.

I wear the chips that I have on my shoulder with pride.

I'm normally a burger and chips girl - such a cheap date.

I try to avoid barbecue potato chips. They're my weakness.

Your worst putt will usually be as good as your best chip.

You're a chip shot away from everything you've ever wanted.

I don't want five hundred billion neural chips. I want guts.

I love eating junk food. I'm a huge snacker, chips and candy.

Yeah, I have animosity, a chip on my shoulder. But I love, too.

I don't have anything to eat in my house but chips and Gatorade.

My favorite chip trick is to make everyone's chip stack disappear.

How could you live without chips? I could do without bread easily.

Sometimes gluten is even added to chips, which is really annoying.

I felt I was good in basketball but I wasn't a blue-chip prospect.

I didn't want to write a cheffy cookbook with dehydrated ham chips.

He will hew to the line of right, let the chips fly where they may.

The chip that functions abnormally will be desoldered, as they say.

He was not merely a chip off the old block, but the old block itself.

The carpenter is not the best who makes more chips than all the rest.

I had a chip on my shoulders 'cause I felt like I was being overlooked.

I love chocolate chip cookies - really anything with chocolate will do!

Eating healthy is a constant battle. I love chips. I'm a huge pasta fan.

A true friend to me is someone who will be there when the chips are down.

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