It's surprising to me how many of my friends send Christmas cards, or holiday cards, including my atheist and secular friends.

People think it's terribly sad to spend Christmas alone, but it's no sadder, really, than spending any other day alone, is it?

Stars of heaven, clear and bright, Shine upon this Christmas light, Vaster far than midnight skies Are its timeless mysteries.

Santa knows Physics: Of all colors, Red Light penetrates fog best. That's why Benny the Blue-nosed reindeer never got the gig.

At Christmas I no more desire a rose Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows.

Christmas brings us great music: Everything from Handel's 'Messiah' to 'White Christmas,' to 'I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.'

Christ came to transform us from never enough people - to more than enough people; that through his poverty we may become rich.

Curious, how one remembered Christmas. Perhaps because other days might appeal to the head, but this one appealed to the heart.

It's a rare film that has staying power. 'A Christmas Story' is not just a funny movie but something that connects with people.

You can separate the church and state all you like, but Christmas is inescapable, and it's marvellous, and it's not going away.

This man's wife told him, "For Christmas, surprise me." On Christmas Eve he leaned over where she was sleeping and said, "Boo!"

Christmas is built upon a beautiful and intentional paradox; that the birth of the homeless should be celebrated in every home.

Where charity stands watching and faith holds wide the door the dark night wakes - the glory breaks, Christmas comes once more.

I am a bit of a mother hen at Christmas! I always prepare in advance. It is the only way; otherwise, it can be really daunting.

As we give presents at Christmas, we need to recognize that sharing our time and ourselves is such an important part of giving.

So many Christmas films either are twee, or try and go super edgy, then stick on something Christmassy at the end of the movie.

Christmas is a tonic for our souls. It moves us to think of others rather than of ourselves. It directs our thoughts to giving.

The first music I was ever exposed to was Irish folk music, like the Clancy Brothers. My father plays that and Christmas songs.

But it's true, kingdoms and crowns, a God who came down to find you. It's true, angels on high sing through the night, Alleluia.

My grandmother did all the cooking at Christmas. We ate fattened chicken. We would feed it even more so it would be big and fat.

There is no name so sweet on earth, no name so sweet in heaven, The name, before His wondrous birth, to Christ the Savior given.

Swedes celebrate Christmas Eve. Every Sunday leading up to Christmas, we light a candle, then make gingerbread and saffron buns.

We usually play games at the end of the night on Christmas, so it's just a good time. It's one of my favorite times of the year.

Talk about cheap - on Christmas Eve, my neighbour shoots off three blanks and tells his kids Santa Claus just committed suicide.

Oh! lovely voices of the sky Which hymned the Saviour's birth, Are ye not singing still on high, Ye that sang, "Peace on earth"?

Before Christmas, I host a party for our kids and all their friends. We love to make a mess while decorating gingerbread houses.

It is the Christmas time: And up and down 'twixt heaven and earth, In glorious grief and solemn mirth, The shining angels climb.

For years, I had a Christmas ornament I had bought at a Cracker Barrel that read 'Deck Them Halls, Y'all.' It always tickled me.

No matter how excluded you have become from Christmas, it is a genuinely inclusive matter; frankly, you are conscripted into it.

I grew up with the classics. My mom and I would sit and watch 'Singin' in the Rain' and 'White Christmas' - those kind of movies.

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph.

Be merry all, be merry all, With holly dress the festive hall; Prepare the song, the feast, the ball, To welcome merry Christmas.

I've taught fifth-year Christmas leavers last thing on a Friday afternoon. Basically, if you can face that you can face anything.

My family know not to get me any tech for Christmas. I can never get it to work, and it all becomes very tearful and pressurised.

Being a traditionalist, I'm a rabid sucker for Christmas. In July, I'm already worried that there are only 146 shopping days left.

I do love Christmas, although my wife puts me to shame. She is a huge Christmas fan, so we do love us some Christmas in our house.

What's great about an office Christmas party is that it uncovers and reveals parts of your personality that you didn't see coming.

I worked every day - Christmas Eve, birthdays - trying to become a great basketball player. Everywhere I went, I had a basketball.

I would literally sit at home and have my friends take pictures of me on my little Canon camera that my mom gave me for Christmas.

The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.

I remember wishing there was snow in L.A. And how jealous we used to get of those Christmas specials with kids playing in the snow.

At the age of 12, my parents gave me a chemistry set for Christmas, and experimentation soon became a consuming passion in my life.

I never really did Christmas before. Christmas Day? I mean - what's that? What's it all about? I was always flying on Christmas Day

You can never truly enjoy Christmas until you can look up into the Father's face and tell him you have received his Christmas gift.

My garden in England is full of eating-out places, for heat waves, warm September evenings, or lunch on a frosty Christmas morning.

I was in 'Christmas with the Crawfords' with Joey Arias. I did that for six years, so I have a holiday show mentality a little bit.

The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate the world by His wisdom and excite it to the love of Himself.

The first story I can remember writing, that I truly set down on paper, was a Christmas story that I wrote when I was ten years old.

Somehow we just don't make the same boisterous fun of Holy Week that we do of Christmas. No one plans to have a holly, jolly Easter.

Except the Christ be born again tonight In dreams of all men, saints and sons of shame, The world will never see his kingdom bright.

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