There were so many pretty girls coming into the salon as clients, and others working in the salon. And I thought, 'Hmm. This is rather nice.'

There have been some clients who have said, 'In order to compete, I'm going to put a pool in and then sell the house.' That's a terrible idea.

The innovation of our workplace is key to the development of innovative solutions that address the evolving complex challenges of our clients.

As our culture redefines being a gamer, brand partners explore and wait eagerly on a new set of tools to better engage their potential clients.

I try not to second-guess editors; they're the clients, and I have no expectation that my strip is going to make it into every paper every day.

Decisions made centrally, thousands of miles from the markets clients are operating in, will likely not be as attuned to local market realities.

In Hong Kong, we launched an Accenture Liquid Studio where we are bringing together end-to-end digital customer experience services for clients.

Of course, bankers were always interested in making money. But when bankers had clients, they bore some responsibility for the clients' welfare.

'Project Runway' made my name more high-profile. I've gotten to work with a lot of different celebrity clients that I never would have otherwise.

Lawyers should not be charged with the same crimes as their clients. Trials related to political charges are not in accordance with human rights.

New York state ethics rules prohibit lawyers from soliciting gifts from clients 'for the benefit of the lawyer or a person related to the lawyer.'

I don't get paid if my clients don't get better by a certain time period. And sure, I have not been paid before. We all fail sometimes; it's okay.

I usually kissed my clients if they wanted to kiss. I thought it was just way too weird to say "no kissing allowed," That to me was uncomfortable.

I had used the stretch materials for years to shape the inside of garments I made for private clients. Then I just started using them on their own.

We have to have a business model that can be a sustainable and acceptable one to both regulators and the other stakeholders, clients, and investors.

The need to go digital remains a top priority for clients, and we are investing aggressively to drive innovation and deliver digital transformation.

Everything I ever wanted to know I just ask a search engine and there's the answer. So the least I can do for my clients is share what I've learned.

While you are responsible to your clients for sales results, you are responsible to consumers for the kind of advertising you bring into their homes.

If my client calls me and says, 'I'm going to a friend's premiere,' I'll say, 'Come over and let's do something cute.' And I won't bill them for that.

My approach is to 100 percent get the concept and the visual right. Get the client to love the space. Once they love the space, everything's possible.

More and more, our clients expect not only relevant advice, not only setting a road map or helping them plan, but being committed to business results.

Architects work in two ways. One is to respond precisely to a client's needs or demands. Another is to look at what the client asks and reinterpret it.

The goal of inner work is to help clients unblock their bottlenecks and learn how to live in partnership with the unconscious rather than at its mercy.

The reason advertising is governed by fear, after all, is that most agencies rely on just a few clients to bring in the lion's share of their revenues.

I was a lawyer for 10 years, and several of my clients had the misfortune, through no fault of my own, of going to prison. I visited them occasionally.

Maggie Gyllenhaal, Chelsea Handler, Tilda Swinton, and Sofia Coppola are other clients. They're all risk takers but never look like they're in costume.

The process of coming out was critical to getting where we are today: coming out to our friends, our family, our co-workers, God forbid, to our clients.

There are rules in advertising, and those rules are self-imposed by the client companies because they don't want their products to be seen as dishonest.

Our technology is very scalable. Our software can accommodate enormous numbers of clients. It's a marvelous opportunity. We'll keep developing products.

For me, people see me working with my celebrity clients, but it's important to show people how they can make their lives their own red carpet every day.

I review all the riders for my music clients and make sure there's healthy food and snack options, like strained yogurt, fresh berries, and lean protein.

It's especially important to make sure all clients are happy. You don't want to get stuck into a corner and for people to think you now only have one look.

I'm not stupid, and the people around me aren't stupid. You can't ignore the economic realities of the ways that business is run and the way clients think.

I tell my clients to feel powerful - you and only you own your power. You are the one who can make yourself eat right, work out and not touch the biscuits.

Publicity doesn't really get me anything. Clients are not going to hire me for a $100 million building because I have a brand. They really want the product.

We believe our diversity makes us stronger, smarter, and more innovative, helping us better serve the needs of our clients, our people, and our communities.

There are some lawyers who think of themselves as basically instruments of whoever their clients are, and they pride themselves on their professional craft.

Social media has shaken up the world of sales, with Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter offering new ways to hound leads and unprecedented insights into clients.

If you truly believe that what you have is useful and valuable to your clients, then you have a moral obligation to try to serve them in every way possible.

We've truly transformed Accenture capabilities to help our clients embrace the new, applying innovation and intelligence at the heart of their organizations.

We like people who are honest. Honest in argument, honest with clients, honest with suppliers, honest with the company - and above all, honest with consumers.

Avoid any exercise that is quad-centric. None of my clients come to me because she wants bulkier quads - you aren't fitting into your skinny jeans with those!

Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers.

Well, there is an attorney-client privilege here that needs to be respected, and it's a privilege that has been found to be worthy of protection by our courts.

We see our clients saying we want a diverse team and also to attract people particularly the millennials they really care about working in a diverse workplace.

It's not your client's obligation, or your obligation, to prove your client's innocence. It is the prosecution's obligation to - to prove you're client's guilt.

It is not an individual act, architecture. You have to consider your client. Only out of that can you produce great architecture. You cannot work in the abstract

Building smart processes to streamline the workflow can make the work easier and the results more reliable, which keeps my head above water and my clients happy.

The Accenture hybrid class solution for Microsoft Azure will provide a new wave for our clients to transform to a truly enterprise wide hybrid cloud environment.

Winston, I don't know what I want, but I want you to go out and get it. When I see it, I'll know if it's what I thought I wanted. (Quoting a photography client.)

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