The sage wears coarse clothes, concealing jade.

I'm not a fan of second-hand or vintage clothes.

The clothes I like are not necessarily tailored.

Opportunity is often dressed up in work clothes.

You can think clearly only with your clothes on.

Fashions, after all, are only induced epidemics.

I buy my own clothes. I have a teacher's salary.

I don't waste money on smart, expensive clothes.

You change your mind Like a girl changes clothes

Critics are like brushers of noblemen's clothes.

Every time I design clothes, I'm making a movie.

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.

Mend your clothes and you may hold out this year.

I make clothes people can wear; I don't make art.

As cute as baby clothes are... I try to buy less.

Fashion is not about clothes, it is about a look.

I just want to make beautiful, glamorous clothes.

Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.

Clothes, thank God I can get them from designers.

I always feel great when I don't have clothes on.

I'm from Sweden. We don't wear clothes in Sweden.

I definitely want to design clothes at one point.

You can always spot clothes made in a good place.

I have a serious love for clothes, like no other.

I like neither new clothes nor new kinds of food.

I don't spend much money on clothes; I never did.

I like nice clothes, whether they're dodgy or not.

When a person is in fashion, all they do is right.

Goals are visions and dreams with work clothes on.

Mistrust all enterprises that require new clothes.

Sex is a bad thing because it rumples the clothes.

clothes, after all, are a form of self-expression.

You gotta learn your body, how clothes fit on you.

The truest you can be is taking off those clothes.

You can't be a clothes hanger for your entire life.

I've got so many clothes; I can dress in any style.

I want my clothes to be alluring but not uber sexy.

Everytime I put on clothes, I’m creating a picture.

Love the fun of clothes, not the status of fashion.

I wish I could wear clothes straight off the runway.

Shapewear is the canvas and the clothes are the art.

But I just loved looking at the clothes of the '70s.

I always thought we were selling dreams, not clothes

I really have a generation gap about modern clothes.

The woman is always more important than the clothes.

Choose thy clothes by thine own eyes, not another's.

I have no fears when it comes to my hair or clothes.

I like trendy clothes just like everybody else does.

I feel more comfortable with my clothes off than on!

I'll take my clothes off - whatever the job requires.

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