... old clothes, old friends, old books. One needs constants in a traveling life.

When I get a little money I buy books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes.

For me, clothes are kind of a character. They're more interesting in those terms.

Through tattered clothes, small vices do appear. Robes and furred gowns hide all.

I am the student who picks his nose, so come over here and take off your clothes.

There are clothes which keep rejuvenating themselves instead of getting worn out.

I am not interested in perfection, and neither are the women who wear my clothes.

I had more clothes than I had closets, more cars than garage space, but no money.

I love clothes but it's a struggle for me to get out of jeans and a baggy jumper.

I love to shop. Clothes, electronics, and I love jewelry, especially yellow gold.

Geoff Nelder inhabits Science Fiction the way other people inhabit their clothes.

Tis not the robe or garment I affect; For who would marry with a suit of clothes?

Through tattered clothes, small vices do appear. Robes and furred gowns hide all.

As a child, as a teenager, I was kind of not allowed to wear fashionable clothes.

In designing a lifestyle brand, you have to know more than just designing clothes.

There Has Ceased to Be a Difference Between My Awake Clothes and My Asleep Clothes

Nothing is contrived. At night, the clothes should pour like liquid over the body.

You don't throw clothes away, because you know it's going to come back in fashion!

A universal beauty clothes the world, And one heart seems to beat for all mankind!

I never just went to look for clothes and style; I always find that wherever I go.

You don't change your style by changing your bag. You change it with your clothes.

It is more important to know how to mix and match the clothes than to spend money.

I like to buy clothes that are two sizes too small and then take them in a little.

Sometimes pop artists, it's all about clothes and pyro. My thing is about my band.

I have to wear clothes but I don't like to give an idea of what I am with clothes.

Everything should be first-rate in a person, his face, clothes, soul and thoughts.

I've never really felt that I've had the right hair cut, or had the right clothes.

Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire.

You might be a redneck if three quarters of the clothes you own have logos on them.

What I do is all about expressing myself, whether it's music or the clothes I wear.

Let thy mind's sweetness have its operation upon thy body, clothes, and habitation.

Wet sneakers and muddy clothes are prerequisites for understanding the water cycle.

After I chased the werewolf and the vampire out of my office, I changed my clothes.

If I were you I would face my clothes, to make sure that no one runs off with them!

Kings are for nations in their swaddling-clothes: France has attained her majority.

I only wear these crop tops because other clothes would make me sweat when I dance.

I grew up with the idea that once you found yourself with your clothes, why change?

I wear my sort of clothes to save me the trouble of deciding which clothes to wear.

I buy the best fabrics from small mills in Italy. That is the basis for my clothes.

The woman is the most perfect doll that i have dressed with delight and admiration.

Basically, I always go to vintage shops rather than going shopping for new clothes.

I don't have extravagant tastes or expenses - like with cars, clothes, or whatever.

I would wear flamboyant clothes and long hair, and most singers at the time didn't.

I'm not impulsive at all - except about buying clothes. That's my biggest weakness.

For me, clothes are kind of character; I don't follow fashion or understand trends.

Ignorant people in preppy clothes are more dangerous to America than oil embargoes.

I'm from L.A., and we don't usually get out of our workout clothes if we're in them.

On the fourth day of telecommuting, I realized that clothes are totally unnecessary.

There is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear us, and not we, them.

It's not that I wear fantastic clothes, it's just that clothes look fantastic on me.

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