I know who the Versace woman is because I wear the clothes myself.

Those who do not study are only cattle dressed up in men's clothes.

If nobody wants to buy your album, who's going to buy your clothes?

I only put clothes on so that I'm not naked when I go out shopping.

Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.

My clothes don't make one a different person, just more of oneself.

Golf is the most fun you can have with out taking your clothes off.

'70s music is the kind of music I listen to. '70s clothes, I adore.

I've managed to keep my clothes on for everything I've done so far.

I get maximum satisfaction out of buying children's clothes online.

I hate clothes that look saleable. I love when they look desirable.

The clothes we wear send a message about how the world perceives us.

I felt like I was going to hell just for putting on women's clothes.

You know, your clothes may say disco, but your eyes say rock n roll.

A woman is never sexier than when she is comfortable in her clothes.

My biggest style regret is that I can't fit into the models' clothes.

I never have an opinion about clothes and know nothing about fashion.

It is ever so much easier to be good if your clothes are fashionable.

A woman seldom asks advice before she has bought her wedding clothes.

Only by trying on other people's clothes do we find what size we are.

I wear black on the outside 'Cause black is how I feel on the inside.

Clothes aren't going to change the world, the women who wear them will

Nothing wears clothes, but Man; nothing doth need But he to wear them.

My clothes are predominately black and my home is predominantly white.

I think about death. I don't want to die with clothes in the cleaners.

I usually talk about clothes in terms of a story rather than a colour.

I like buying clothes, especially as I get a tax-deductible allowance.

If I had a girl I'd love to see her in my clothes. It's real romantic.

Usually when I buy clothes off the rack, I need to have them adjusted.

I have been wearing clothes designed by Maheshwari for many years now.

Take noise-cancelling headphones, a good book, and wear comfy clothes.

If I had to choose between clothes and furniture, I'd choose furniture.

Progressive societies outgrow institutions as children outgrow clothes.

After working with clothes for so long, it seemed right to design them.

I love creating art, whether it's with photos, my own body, or clothes.

Trust not the heart of that man for whom old clothes are not venerable.

Many women dress for men before marriage, and for women after marriage.

Modesty antedates clothes and will be resumed when clothes are no more.

Snot is running down his nose, greasy fingers, smearing shabby clothes.

It was tough trying to figure out how to put on all the women's clothes.

In Downton Abbey, foreplay is basically hanging your clothes up properly

I probably wasted a couple of thousand dollars on some dumb-ass clothes.

We don't want any candy stripes on our uniforms. These are work clothes.

If I don't do laundry today, I'm gonna have to buy new clothes tomorrow.

My motto is that the audience should notice the actors, not the clothes.

Comedians are the one who have to tell the emperor he has no clothes on.

I shall ask to see whether they want me in dress clothes or in Japanese.

You want to look great under your clothes and obviously without clothes.

No woman so naked as one you can see to be naked underneath her clothes.

The undressed is vulgar; the nude is pure, and the well-dressed tainted.

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