Connection, the ability to feel connected, is neurobiologically wired, that’s why we’re here!

There’s a very deep connection among human beings. All we have to do is open our minds to it.

I've always been connected to football, but for some reason, there's never been a connection.

As soon as you start talking about Scouting, there's an immediate connection and brotherhood.

Connections with other people affect not only the quality of our lives but also our survival.

Once man's connection to the divine is denied, you can reason yourself from here to anywhere.

Just a tender sense of my own process, that holds something of my connection with the divine.

Stay open to opportunity -- you never know where your next important connection will be made.

You have a deeper connection with people who you have shared experiences with and shared pain.

I don't have anything against my mom, but my family has no emotional connection to each other.

For me there is a vital connection between the Bihar calamity and the untouchability campaign.

We often see a temper of the times connection, and it's just like a fairy tale. It's not true.

The one thing that keeps us out of connection is our fear that we're not worthy of connection.

If you look at my last songs and first short stories, there is a real connection between them.

I love that moment when I feel a connection to another person, however brief or insignificant.

If there is a connection between Harry Potter and my new novel, it's my interest in characters.

My connection with the Reich Ministers was of a purely official nature and was very infrequent.

Barack Obama believes he has the same kind of connection to the American people that Trump has.

I like the Stereophonics. I know the lead singer, Kelly Jones, and theres the Welsh connection.

It's doubtful that anyone with an internet connection at his workplace is writing good fiction.

A tendency to make metaphorical connections is an occupational hazard for those of us who write.

Certain small ways and observances sometimes have connection with large and more profound ideas.

My favorite albumn ever is Jeff Buckley's GRACE. I feel a weird unexplainable connection to him.

I remind myself that Im always more satisfied by human interaction than by a digital connection.

The connections between people and land are dangerously oversimplified and mainly technological.

Meditate. Breathe consciously. Listen. Pay attention. Treasure every moment. Make the connection.

At the heart, it is world music that I do. It's all connections. Ultimately, we're all connected.

Love is connection with others. Union with another human being or living thing. That's also Yoga.

In connection with death, or birth, or love, modesty is only a rather puerile self-consciousness.

I can usually get the right connection with the crowd and I don't have to be jumping off ladders.

I worked very hard on those movies but there was some creative connection that wasn't being made.

I do think that people yearn for connection and intimacy, and that they're hard things to achieve.

People who don't like my work say that the connections seem too arbitrary. But that's how life is.

Communication is merely an exchange of information, but connection is an exchange of our humanity.

There are interesting scientific and historical connections between these things that I just love.

I'm kind of a hermit. it's almost easier for me to write about connection than to actually connect.

I felt such a deep connection with dolphins. I felt like they were the only ones who understood me.

The point of life for me is just to make connections with people and share experiences with people.

Music, even with these dial-up connections you have to the Internet, is very practical to download.

The Rastafari culture has a very strong connection to Haile Selassie, a descendant of King Solomon.

Long-term memory involves enduring changes that result from the growth of new synaptic connections.

Men tend to be hierarchical, but women are driven to make lateral connections so they can cooperate.

There's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government.

I don't come from a Hollywood family. I don't have Hollywood friends. I didn't have any connections.

Paloma you cry out, you beg for connection The dreams you seek are straight ahead in every direction

You own what you own not by money or force, but by your love for it and your inner connection to it.

At one point, you start wondering if being talented in Bollywood is enough, or you need connections.

My fans are who I am. You give meaning to my life. You will never know the connection I feel to you.

Each time I visit Japan, I am reminded of how Canadian I am and how little racial connection matters.

The most important thing is to recognize how important it is to market yourself and make connections.

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