Peace is a conscious choice.

I am conscious of eternal life.

The day is conscious of itself.

I never make conscious decisions.

Become conscious of being conscious.

I am deebly self-conscious, and bad.

We are not eternity conscious enough.

No art comes from the conscious mind.

I was always a self-conscious person.

I've always been conscious of my weight.

Yes, I've always been fashion conscious.

Turn your habit into a conscious decision.

Consciousness of our powers augments them.

I personally am not conscious of my accent.

age is nothing but death that is conscious.

I am very self-conscious a lot of the time.

Freedom begins as we become conscious of it.

I've always been very conscious of who I am.

Pure no-thing-ness is conscious intelligence.

I am me, whatever that means. I am conscious.

Conscious writing can be the death of poetry.

Stay conscious and alive, day in and day out.

The greatest fault is to be conscious of none.

Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious.

I made a conscious decision not to date actors.

I was conscious of vocalists from an early age.

Conscious thought is the tidying up at the end.

Be conscious of God and speak always the truth.

I am not brand conscious. I wear what suits me.

There's a conscious decision to everything I do.

The power of our conscious mind is unimaginable.

Humility and full consciousness are inseparable.

Socially conscious brands engender more loyalty.

Amusing and perfectly self-conscious charlatans.

I wasn't really a work conscious type of person.

Become intensely conscious of the present moment.

Man is the universe becoming conscious of itself.

My approach is just being conscious of everything.

I'm very conscious of... I don't feel like a star.

We don't have a lot of class-conscious filmmaking.

A conscious lifetime... is a treasure beyond value.

I am neither pro- nor anti-gun. I am gun-conscious.

The unconscious is much smarter than the conscious.

If you don't make errors, how can you be conscious?

It's when I am fully conscious that I ask questions.

What we do not make conscious emerges later as fate.

I'm pretty conscious of what I eat because of my age.

Pavarotti is not vain, but conscious of being unique.

The purpose of art: to make the unconscious conscious.

Whatever is not conscious will be experienced as fate.

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