To be conscious of gratitude is to acknowledge a gift.

I find still photographs make me quite self-conscious.

One gets into a state of creativity by conscious work.

With acting, I always feel conscious of what I'm doing.

I was very conscious of the actor; watched what he did.

I surrender myself to conscious unity with the highest.

Art is a marriage of the conscious and the unconscious.

Anxiety is a deep conscious breath away from dissolving.

We make conscious choices to do something a certain way.

It's a conscious decision, a full-time job, to be happy.

The writer is by nature a dreamer - a conscious dreamer.

The conscious ego cannot tell the unconscious what to do?

Be conscious first of thyself within, then think and act.

Could it ever be explained, how matter becomes conscious?

Biomimicry is … the conscious emulation of life’s genius.

I don't stick to special techniques, conscious techniques.

I was conscious of my father's fame from the time I was 6.

Evolution is nothing but matter become conscious of itself.

The U.K. is pretty good at being environmentally conscious.

You can not have an argument with a fully conscious person.

School was very difficult. I was conscious of how I looked.

My movement from painting to film was a very conscious one.

With regards to pressure, you can't be too conscious of it.

I am not very conscious of the figures of speech that I use.

Without conscious and deliberate effort, inertia always wins

Unconscious Polities emerge independent of conscious purpose.

I think music follows the trends of the collective conscious.

If you are alive and conscious, you are probably codependent.

Envy always implies conscious inferiority wherever it resides.

The ego is nothing other than the focus of conscious attention.

I'm not more or less conscious than any other rapper out there.

I've become very conscious of how easy it is for people to lie.

I'm conscious enough that how I'm singing is not my own accent.

At times your unconsciousness is truer than your conscious mind

If you're conscious you must be depressed, or at least cynical.

But it is not conscious strategy to go for unconventional roles.

There is something about conscious tact that is very irritating.

Nonviolence, in its dynamic condition means conscious suffering.

Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience.

Be awake to the details around you, but don't be self-conscious.

I'm conscious about what I wear, whether it's a game or an event.

I'm always making a conscious effort to be viable and accessible.

The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.

I don't feel I'm making a conscious effort to go more commercial.

To be too conscious is an illness. A real thorough going illness.

It was never a conscious decision to stay away from Telugu cinema.

It is a conscious decision that I do films in different languages.

I'm always, always really health conscious - even more so on tour.

'High Cotton' is more conscious of class than 'Black Deutschland.'

Money is not real. It is a conscious agreement on measuring value.

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