I made a conscious decision not to date actors.

There's a conscious decision to everything I do.

It was not a conscious decision to become an actor.

It's a conscious decision, a full-time job, to be happy.

It was never a conscious decision to stay away from Telugu cinema.

It is a conscious decision that I do films in different languages.

It's not a conscious decision that I only want to do romantic films.

To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior.

I loved my work, and it was a conscious decision to give my best all the time.

I've never made a conscious decision to choose work over other considerations.

I made the conscious decision to not have kids, and I didn't want to be married.

I made a conscious decision to join Bayern because of the presence of Guardiola.

I pretty much made a conscious decision to make projects a lot of people can relate to.

It wasn't a conscious decision to pick only positive roles. Things just fell into place.

The conscious decision, early on, was that I was going to live in New York. That was it.

It wasn't a conscious decision to actually make a movie about Guantanamo Bay. It was a device.

If I am old-fashioned, it's not a conscious decision. I just do material that I think is funny.

Nobody's life is ever all balanced. It's a conscious decision to choose your priorities every day.

The only really conscious decision I made was to cast my net wide and if the work was good, to do it.

It's a conscious decision to keep trying to do something new, to do things that excite me from my gut.

My mum made a conscious decision not to teach me any Indian languages so I wouldn't talk with an accent.

It wasn't a conscious decision to be bold or anything. It all depends on how different artists envision me.

I've always wanted to write, I've always wanted to direct. The conscious decision was always to not be an actor.

I made a conscious decision to stop watching 'Big Brother.' I was an avid fan, but I felt it was time to move on.

You have to make a conscious decision to change for your own well-being and that of your family and your country.

You have a chance to show your true colors through adverse times. You can make a conscious decision to change things.

I made a conscious decision back then that I would rather be the best actress who ever lived than the most famous one.

My conscious decision has always been to do work that's meaningful and play characters that give something to the film.

So I've never made a conscious decision to cajole people into thinking I'm not that slacker guy from 'My Family' anymore.

I made a conscious decision to live my life the best way I could and that meant to publicise myself as little as possible.

It wasn't a conscious decision to search for my Asian self; it was an urgency born out of an emptiness I was trying to fill.

Forgive: Make a conscious decision to cease to harbor resentment, which includes forgiving a debt and giving up one's resolve to retaliate.

I like to refer to myself as king sometimes, not as queen. That's a conscious decision, because I feel like women are just equally as powerful.

When I turned 21, I started losing weight - again, a normal thing for any girl my age. I did not take a conscious decision to reduce my weight.

I don't remember sitting down and saying, 'This is why I want to be - an actress.' I just knew. It was never a conscious decision or a revelation.

Pay attention to how you think and speak, and if it turns out that you're sounding snide or crappy or doubtful, make the conscious decision to change.

With '30 Minutes or Less,' there was a conscious decision on my part to make it a little less stylized. I wanted it to feel like an '80s action movie.

It would have been very easy to play to the gallery, but I took a conscious decision not to do that. Safer not to be too popular. You can't fall too far.

I made a conscious decision when I was recording 'Acoustic Soul' to - and this is one of my mantras - follow the music and let the chips fall where they may.

It was a conscious decision on my part to take up fewer films. And if you're not seen that often on screen, nobody calls you to perform at an awards ceremony.

I have no major regrets. I've made the conscious decision not to look at life that way. I always try to learn something - to take something away from the situation.

We started MakerBot in 2009 and made a conscious decision to educate people with the possibilities they could do with 3D printing and share with people what is possible.

I don't recall making a conscious decision to become an actor. I just remember winning a prize at a theatre festival when I was 17 and saying: 'Oh, that's what I have to do.'

'The 25th Hour' came out of the decision - a really very conscious decision - that I needed a story set within a compressed time frame because that would help focus the story.

A lot goes in my mind while choosing a role. Choosing unconventional roles is not a conscious decision. I choose the most exciting and challenging role from the options I have.

When I was 15 or so, I made a conscious decision to try and sing with a big voice. Everybody I listened to had these big voices, and I wanted to try it. The blessing is that I could.

I made a conscious decision that I was not going to have children. I didn't want others raising them, and looking after them myself would get in the way of being a musician and writer.

I made a conscious decision when I was about 30 that I wanted to do something different with my life. I felt a little bit lost and didn't trust people, so I decided to move to America.

I have picked 'mainstream' films only because there is a story, and there are lovely people attached to it. That's a conscious decision always for me. What's the point if there is no story to tell?

I started out mainstream and then literally made a conscious decision, like, 'I don't have that core black audience on my side.' And then I literally started looking for projects to get involved in.

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