We Conservatives hate unemployment.

Social conservatives say who drives the bus.

I don't trust liberals, I trust conservatives.

Radical conservatives want to police bedrooms.

Conservatives want to see every Canadian prosper.

The media doesn't understand conservatives at all.

Conservatives and liberals can find common ground.

By definition, conservatives struggle with change.

I haven't done things publicly to hurt conservatives.

Union members are fiscal conservatives, a lot of them.

Fox News is a virtual public square for conservatives.

I think conservatives can be for very tough-minded trade.

Conservatives define themselves in terms of what they oppose.

Conservatives conserve and that is why they became irrelevant.

We must return conservatives to the majority in the U.S. Senate.

Conservatives are always right about everything. We are. We are.

It was the Conservatives who first protected people in the mills.

Conservatives must avoid the siren song of schism, or all is lost.

There are more dog owners in America than there are conservatives.

In museums and palaces we are alternate radicals and conservatives.

If there is true evil in the world - it is Republican conservatives.

Conservatives have a problem with women. For that matter, all men do.

The pro-growth policies and spending restraint of Conservatives work.

Conservatives have to be more than just Liberals who are good at math.

Of course, conservatives always claim to be against judicial activism.

Some want to rebrand the GOP, but they will never rebrand conservatives.

Self-professed conservatives comprise about 40% to 45% of the electorate.

Music is the language of the heart, and conservatives always screw it up.

There are more conservatives on Fox. But we are not a conservative network.

The Conservatives don't need more women. They need women like Karren Brady.

Some people call themselves fiscal conservatives; my wife says I'm just cheap.

Conservatives aren't anti-immigrant - conservatives are pro-legal immigration.

I'm willing to zap conservatives when they do things that are not libertarian.

The Conservatives win when we have a positive message, an aspirational message.

Real conservatives are in favour of all kinds of unelected power and authority.

Conservatives are the heirs to the Founders' vision. But we have to act like it.

The Conservatives have been unusually badly led by David Cameron and Theresa May.

At times, conservatives become defined by their volume rather than by their ideas.

Conservatives have always wanted border security before we had immigration reform.

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.

Most conservatives choose God. The tree huggers choose weather, or preventing weather.

Most people who call themselves conservatives can't explain the American value system.

The debate in the Republican Party needs to be between libertarians and conservatives.

We're not programming to conservatives. We're just not eliminating their point of view.

Conservatives cannot be absent from the debate on inequality and equality in the nation.

White consciousness is deeply anti-black, and that's for progressives and conservatives.

The 2016 election unquestionably deepened the divide between liberals and conservatives.

The real dynamic is that when Greens are in the debates, Conservatives don't do as well.

Liberals in Hollywood can't stand when Americans resonate to conservatives on television.

Conservatives and liberals alike have been waiting for this moment for a third of a century.

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