It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought.

All artists, no matter who they are, have always come into contact with criticism. No one's gonna like what you do 100 percent of the time.

I batted with contact lenses in the IPL while playing for Delhi Daredevils. I wasn't picking the ball early. So I went back to the glasses.

Clearly a big challenge for Christianity is how to remain in contact with the millions of people who look for God but do not come to Church.

I've always been a guy to try to create contact; create scoring opportunities based off the free throw line and being aggressive in that way.

When I'm not working in a professional capacity, I'm writing, and when I'm at home, it's a way of having contact with people or communicating.

If I had to name the number one asset you could have for any sport I'd say speed. In baseball, all a guy with speed has to do is make contact.

I know that lack of contact creates more lack of contact, and contact creates more contact, or at least an ability to talk to with each other.

I'll say that I don't think you can throw a stone and not come in contact with someone who knows someone or has problems with substance abuse.

In the future we'll be able to mentally contact anybody we want, see whatever image we want. And when we don't like it, we'll just turn it off.

Spending time on the floor is really important. It's great to work out of an office, but working the store gives you contact with the customer.

Words are contact with other beings. I see a word that says something I've noticed, seen, felt, obserevd, and I capture it; "I need that word!"

At a time when Europeans already had a long history of violent contact with Native people, Lewis and Clark made most of their journey in peace.

I'm an actor. And it is, for me, an opportunity to meet people. One of the advantages of my profession is I come into contact with many people.

Perhaps women have always been in closer contact with reality than men: it would seem to be the just recompense for being deprived of idealism.

Even though you think boxing is a contact sport, it teaches you not to fight on the street, to behave. It gives you discipline and self-control.

Your mind is very powerful, and your soul knows what's best for you. So the more in contact you are with your soul, the more you know your path.

When I go to parties people recognize me and that's another contact, another tool in my bag of tricks. I don't even have a publicist. I work it.

Stand-up and sketch and improv - that's the most direct contact you can have with somebody, making them laugh. I like that. I like the intimacy.

Every actor demands different things. Every human being you come in contact with in your life, you have to deal with in slightly different ways.

A man is not scared of playing, of having any contact, and you won't shut him down if you kick him - he will just ask for the ball all the time.

Daily contact with boys who had not been brought up as gently as I worked an immediate and, in some respects, a beneficial change in my character.

I have always been most drawn to those moments from the past when people from distant lands and different societies made contact with one another.

The reason I haven't got an agent is so that no one can contact me to offer me a film part. In case I'm tempted to do something I'll regret later.

Instead of talking at each other about the non-business-related contact, talk to each other about your concerns about marriage. Listen a lot, too.

What I love about the way folks have interacted with me over the years is that they just want to make eye contact and for me to say something nice.

The students I have come in contact with at Harvard are highly competent individuals who prefer to be challenged and respond well to encouragement.

Some guys say beauty is only skin deep. But when you walk into a party, you don't see somebody's brain. The initial contact has to be the sniffing.

I started from zero. Nobody in my family is connected to the industry. Not a single contact in the music industry or in the entertainment industry.

'The Deuce' came about when David Simon and I were put in contact with a guy who, along with his twin brother, owned a couple bars in Times Square.

In a theater, the part is mine and I can control it as I want to. In the movies, I don't have direct contact, and I am fighting technical machinery.

I have a big thing with eye contact, because I think as soon as you make eye contact with somebody, you see them, and they become valued and worthy.

It would be a pity if, frustrated by the price of travel, we elected to become a society that never made contact, that never gave SETI a fair chance.

I have never been able to see myself as fitting into one category, and I have never been able to limit my contact with people to one group of people.

When I watch alien movies, I want to be the alien. I don't want to be the people that make first contact or anything; I just want to be that creature.

Okay so best golf tips I think are number one keep your head down. If you're a beginner it's the number one rule. That way you'll always make contact.

I like to get in the mindset of the honey badger when I go into contact. There's no doubts, no fears. If you can do that as a human, you're killin' it.

I tend to write about more than one generation because as a child I had contact with more than one generation; it was normal to be around older people.

Some guys find eating face-to-face weirdly intense. But sitting on the same side of the table allows both intermittent physical contact and eye contact.

We have to learn again that science without contact with experiments is an enterprise which is likely to go completely astray into imaginary conjecture.

In a family business, you grow up with close contact to the business, whatever it is, and the beer business is certainly a very social type of business.

My parents got divorced when I was nine months old, and my father would only pop in and see me once a year, if that. I don't have much contact with him.

It's hard to say exactly what it is about face-to-face contact that makes deals happen, but whatever it is, it hasn't yet been duplicated by technology.

I think it's really important to use your hands and get close to materials. To be up close to real things like rain and mud; to have contact with nature.

When I get the ball with my back to goal, I like to be in touching contact. I need to feel the guy. He will try to take the ball, and I will go past him.

I always like to start with a great pair of shoes. It's your first contact with the ground, and it can really change the way you move and act physically.

Practicing medicine is not only my vocation, it gives me an opportunity to continue to be in direct contact with people, to see them and hear their needs.

The final effort came when our reconnaissance team reported contact with the POWs and their guards by radio near midnight at a pre-arranged crossing site.

I'd been coming to New York for weekends since I was 17, and after 9/11, I started making these trips more frequently, just to make contact with the city.

I can go somewhere and switch off completely. I will let people know in advance that I'm away, but once I'm out of contact, I'm out of contact. That's it.

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