All the contact I have had with politics has left me feeling as though I had been drinking out of spitoons.

A writer should always have some profession which brings him into close contact with the reality's of life.

It's essential that you make eye contact with your audience. You've got to know what's happening out there.

When you think about the worst places humans come into contact with, they are often our health environments.

So all of the music had reference, or is inspired by something of the dharma that I've come in contact with.

A year is a long time to live without the human contact of loved ones, fresh air, and gravity, to name a few.

I've never been scared of contact. Now I get to bring it, that's what I love to do, so I'm going to bring it.

I have more contact with people who consume, for lack of a better word, my product than any other performers.

Most people, or at least most of the people that I've come into contact with, would like to be written about.

I earned a black belt when I was in high school. And I did a lot of boxing and full contact karate in college.

When I lose my larger sense of supporting people to be their best, I lessen my contact with the God inside me.

I like big casts. The experience of working together, that human contact - those are my roots, professionally.

Our most intimate contact with civilizations long since dust has been through the art which has survived them.

The entire time I was in Portland, which was the five years, I had absolutely no contact with any of my family.

Most venture capitalists won't read a business plan unless the entrepreneur is introduced to them by a contact.

My contact with my dad's side of my family got less after we stopped living together, but they were in my life.

In my official status, I cannot comment on ET contact. However, personally, I can assure you, we are not alone!

Major league hitters have more power. But Japanese hitters are very good at making contact. I don't like either.

When you make music, you're in really direct contact with your fans out there, so you hear all kinds of stories.

The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.

For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager, they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.

If you are someone's emergency contact - you are their person, and they are your person - there is work involved.

Horror, for me, is not defined by the thing that provokes ones fear, but the human being who has contact with it.

The eyes are so telling. That's how you engage with people and bond with them. I love direct, strong eye contact.

It is possible to contact higher beings who are not in the body. But the being you really want to contact is you.

There's so much drama in the lives of boxers. It's a contact sport and everyday they beat up people for a living.

I love to play in the middle to be in contact with the ball all the time. I'm very happy to play in that position.

Horror, for me, is not defined by the thing that provokes one's fear, but the human being who has contact with it.

As an actor, you come in contact with so many different people and cultures. It makes you a more accepting person.

We're gonna play fast, we're gonna play physical, we're gonna play furious, and we're gonna play contact football.

Each one chooses his or her path to come in contact with the external world. I chose to merge with the environment.

We've fallen into a trap of ever-widening orbits of contact, and there is a total disregard for the present moment.

I'm always in contact with my manager at Arsenal, who has been a big part of my career, and I'll always talk to him.

The deaf community relies so much on eye contact, expression and body language. It's such a huge part of who we are.

I'd really like to be in closer contact with life. I'm a little too distant, I guess. I like to place myself outside.

I stay in contact with friends I have in Liverpool. It's not a normal club; it's so special and very important to me.

I hug employees all the time. I'm a huge contact person. Touch is an extremely important part of the human condition.

I was into basketball, but then once I found contact sports, it was over. I never played basketball again in my life.

There is a healthful hardiness about real dignity that never dreads contact and communion with others however humble.

By penetrating to the core of our own being, we can make contact with the consciousness at the center of the universe.

Fandom grew first through individual correspondence. It was cheap and quick, continent-wide contact for a penny stamp.

Remote Sensing is defined as the acquisition of information about an object without being in physical contact with it.

I love the rehearsal process in the theatre, and the visceral sense of contact and communication with a live audience.

I've always believed that as an artist, as a writer, you need a lot of contact with other people to make your art good.

If you leave your wife and you don't ever contact her again, that says something about how you felt about the marriage.

If you leave your wife and you don't ever contact her again, that says something about how you felt about the marriage.

Dortmund tried very early to sign me and always kept in close contact with me - this behaviour has really impressed me.

Make eye contact with cute strangers. Give guys your email. Email is safer than a number, or at least it feels that way.

Maybe if I'd had more direct contact with death, I wouldn't find it so fascinating and I wouldn't write about it so much.

Reports have indicated that several border agents have contracted diseases through contact with the unaccompanied minors.

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