We are shaped by our conversations.

I love conversations, about anything.

The best ideas start as conversations.

I'm not an interviewer. I have conversations.

I like to hear conversations that are debates.

I don't go into any conversations not prepared.

I like parties. I like talking and conversations.

I am intrigued by women I have conversations with.

The character of a man is known from his conversations.

All serious conversations gravitate towards philosophy.

Each person's life is lived as a series of conversations.

I am opinionated and want to be part of the conversations.

Conversations are the most direct way to connect with people.

I sing about the things that I don't have conversations about.

I speak to lots of coaches, but those are private conversations.

I don't have any conversations where I'm not talking about my dog.

What's so great about 'Gone Girl' is the conversations it provokes.

I don't really want to be in the business of observing conversations.

Some of the best conversations I've had are sitting around a camp fire.

We do become our conversations. We really will become our associations.

My job is to analyze conversations and discover why communications fail.

In Washington, DC, politics dominate even the most casual conversations.

I'm happy to talk to liberal media, and we often have good conversations.

My mother was a personal friend of God's. They had ongoing conversations.

I just operate on the assumption that all phone conversations are bugged.

Overhearing people's conversations about art - that's always entertaining.

I have stopped going out places just to avoid uncomfortable conversations.

It's rare to have even half-meaningful conversations in the film industry.

That's what you want art to do, to open people up and start conversations.

Pearl Jam sit down and have conversations about Kiss all the time on tour.

We can't grow as a party, if we're afraid of having difficult conversations.

I think your conversations are indicative of your tastes - even your diction.

As far as open conversations with random people, no I don't really enjoy them.

Not only do I sing to him, I sing entire conversations. You become Jerry Lewis.

'What is the use of a book', thought Alice, 'without pictures or conversations?'

We're in conversations with brands worldwide for a variety of artists every day.

I'm the kind of leader who would try to have honest and difficult conversations.

Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of a witness.

The amount of random conversations that lead to culture-shifting ideas is insane.

I suppose I flee to life. I'm most interested when conversations become difficult.

I speak to my players when I deem it necessary, but they are private conversations.

I've had so many conversations with new artists trying to figure out their careers.

I'd be counting calories in my head while having conversations and doing crosswords.

Any conversations we hear about 'So who are Pearl Jam marketing to?' are despicable.

I think most people's conversations are as light as they are dark. That's how life is.

I tell my friends about my conversations with my father - conversations with an artist.

Still, I tune out the visual input when it is too distracting, mainly in conversations.

If you're like me and nosy, you're always eavesdropping on other people's conversations.

Me and Kendrick Lamar have had conversations for years back and forth, so that's my dude.

I want to bring meaningful conversations to the table, and I want to shake some things up.

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