Madonnas got one big choice. Take a couple of years off and become a human being.

I want my marriage to be like th Earth, full of life and revolving around the Son

Got a house on the hill, cost a couple of mill, Juicy J got bank like Uncle Phil.

When you lose a couple of times, it makes you realize how difficult it is to win.

I could deal with this [Pokemon] if I smoked a couple of grams of blacktar heroin.

The greater the trust within the couple, the greater the opening to share in love.

A fulfilling sex life is one of the most powerful marital glues a couple can have.

I would rather have 100,000 fans for a lifetime than a million for a couple years.

Some things are destined to be -- it just takes us a couple of tries to get there.

I always give my grandkids a couple of quarters when they go home. It's a bargain.

Hey Lord... Whatever I done... Don't strike me blind for another couple ah minutes.

Congress will always couple one bad idea with another, the better to 'offset' them.

You don't have to shoot the film in the first couple days of principal photography.

Eventually, after a couple of years, Stripe strated to become an overnight success.

A married couple that plays cards together is just a fight that hasn't started yet.

Determine to pray more words over your marriage than you speak about your marriage.

I spent a couple of months just riding a bike doing my own training in the streets.

I've never stolen anything in my life, except maybe a couple hearts here and there.

The way my life's structured, I don't stay in a place for more than a couple months.

It takes more than some mind games, a couple of parlor tricks, to get under my skin.

The family is on its way out; couples go next; then no more keeping cats or parrots.

I didn't really get into comedy until a couple months before I started doing comedy.

Too many couples break up without understanding the consequences for their families.

I don't know who St. Valentine was, but I hope he died alone, surrounded by couples.

I'm terrified of motorcycles. I've been on one a couple of times. I did not like it.

Every couple years, you know, these great things drop in my lap. It's been fantastic.

I do a lot better if I sit around and think about a character for a couple of months.

I can remember a couple of real fights when I ran. Because they were kinda dangerous.

I started acting when I was about 18. I was a model for a couple of years before that

I do partake in a couple of drinks now and again, but I've never drank to feel alive.

A couple of girls I've signed autographs for have just cried or broken out into tears.

Couple in the next room bound to win a prize, they've been going at it all night long.

I like that in my audiences, there's a lesbian couple sitting next to a Mormon family.

I have a couple of gold teeth. I had braces for a year but I didn't wear the retainer.

The writers' strike a couple years ago was a bonanza for reality TV shows new and old.

I hate, for example, whenever you hear someone say, 'You have work at being a couple.'

I'll be the first one to admit my first couple of years I was pretty hard on the refs.

And so for a couple of years my life was divided between my music and my school books.

Ideally, both members of a couple in love free each other to new and different worlds.

I've made a couple of movies in the jungle, and I don't want to go back to the jungle.

Many couples have never learned the tremendous power of verbally affirming each other.

I want to do more comedy... I've done a couple TV shows that had some comedy going on.

I worked on all of the Apollo manned missions and a couple of Apollo unmanned missions.

Neal had a couple of good ideas and they fit nicely, so that's the way I decided to go.

I was a soldier in WWII. The last couple of months of the war I was actually in combat.

Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her, and one for them together.

Before I did any action movies, I did a couple of thrillers. That's hung around for me.

If you think that the brass is not blowing loud enough, mute it by a couple of degrees.

No couples in Virginia can adopt other than a married couple - that's the right policy.

As you'll never hear the thing again, my boy, why not throw in a couple of brass bands?

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