This crazy thing called love...

Boredom makes you do crazy things

I didn't do that many crazy things.

I don't do crazy things - I just don't.

I'm too old to do crazy things anymore.

I did so many crazy things while drinking.

You do some crazy things when you're young.

I think everyone does crazy things in life.

I did a lot of crazy things so I'm surprised to be alive.

I was the Pink Pansy or whatever, wearing this crazy thing.

I'm weird, I do crazy things, it's not like the average norm.

Being on Netflix lets us be experimental. We can do crazy things.

Campaigns are crazy things. They're half startup, half enterprise.

The crazy thing is we live on an ocean planet - nobody gets that yet.

People fight, they get angry, they do drugs, and they do crazy things.

Mothers and fathers do really crazy things with the best of intentions.

I can be serious, too, but I'm a goofy guy, so I like doing crazy things.

If you're going to believe crazy things, people are going to laugh at you.

Obviously, I wore a lot of crazy things on stage. That's just how it goes.

I have done a lot of crazy things in my life, and I do not regret anything.

I do really crazy things all the time, but I can't think of anything offhand.

The crazy thing is, I never knew that a wiener could actually make me nauseous.

Reading serves as a good escape when you're in the middle of doing crazy things.

The more you embrace the weird crazy things about you, the more you find your tribe.

I'm not ashamed to confess that I often note down many of the crazy things my children say.

When you're a teenager, you could do a lot more crazy things, and your body recovers faster.

I was always pushing the limits, going as far as I could. I would do all kinds of crazy things.

When you're in love, love makes you do crazy things, and can take you down a whirlwind of a road.

I want to do a few crazy things like skydiving and bungee jumping. I am quite an adventure junkie.

Once I established myself doing crazy things and being extreme, people want to see it all the time.

I may do some cringey and crazy things, but for crying out loud, I have Nikki Bella calling me out.

I feel my free-est when I don't know where I'm going, when I'm not scripted, and doing crazy things.

We live this very normal life when we're home except it's also very 'abnormal because we do crazy things.

It just happened that the public happened to, uh, appreciate the satirical quality of these crazy things.

There have been many examples in the world of people doing crazy things because they want to keep war going.

You don't have to be outlandish and saying crazy things and get out of yourself to get headlines or attention.

I like to be wild, and I like to do wild, crazy things. I need excitement. At all times. Normal is not my type.

Crazy things happen in this sport, and you have to be ready. And for me, luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

I think it would be ridiculous to work with Tom Hardy. I hear some crazy things about him, and he's also really good.

Of course there have been times when I've done crazy things. But I don't think I'm crazy. I just grew up in a crazy world.

In every American election, crazy things are said. Positions are taken which the winners try very hard to forget afterwards.

Numb3rs' was a wonderful gift because I had not worked in six months. It was so fun to be on that set doing these crazy things.

The fans never send me crazy things. They send me things that they put so much time and effort into making, and they are so amazing.

I've made a lot of crazy comedy videos and said a lot of crazy things. If it's too offensive, I apologize and move on, but I do comedy.

As artists, we have the luxury of experimenting with extra crazy things, but I feel like my aesthetic is very street-style and high-low.

'The Onion' is an amazing place to work because it's a bunch of really smart, collaborative writers who aren't afraid to try crazy things.

With comedy, I try to steer toward, you know, talking about people that do crazy things, messed-up things. That's what I like to talk about.

But for me, personally, that's one of the biggest perks of the job that I get to do these kinds of crazy things but in a safely created environment.

With any group of people in life, sad things happen, and crazy things, and happy things. When you're in the public eye, it's just amplified, that's all.

People like Jeff Buckley, the Mars Volta and Bjork made me listen to music differently. You learn the voice is an instrument you can do crazy things with.

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