Politicians are fond of criticizing others.

I'm always criticizing and only see the mistakes.

I am not criticizing investing in the stock market; I am an investor.

As a musician, I have always refrained from criticizing another artist.

You know what Bill Cosby did wrong? He started criticizing young black men.

I am criticizing a culture that has sold the big lie that 'Mom doesn't matter.'

My biggest pet peeve, I guess, is other comedians criticizing Larry the Cable Guy.

It bothers me when nobody is criticizing me, because then I am not doing something.

I think the media needs a little criticizing now, as it did in the '80s, don't you?

I knew that if I just came out as a singer, people would just be criticizing my voice.

The pleasure we feel in criticizing robs us from being moved by very beautiful things.

Personally criticizing a member of my staff hardly seemed like the way to negotiate a deal.

Very often the Group actor is a critic when he's acting and an actor when he's criticizing.

When you're so out there in the public eye, people are constantly criticizing every aspect about you.

You are always going to have people criticizing, in one way or another, for their own personal reason.

I think I'm going to refrain from criticizing Apple too much. I mean, that's been a pretty great company.

We on the Left are very good at criticizing people, but we need to build the base to pull people to the Left.

I don't get involved in criticizing or extolling really good artists who do their job. That's for other people.

I have nothing but love for the Philly fans, even the ones who were highly criticizing me or opinionated in any way.

I've often been accused of spending more time and energy criticizing my fellow Democrats than criticizing Republicans.

Just after I entered my teens I suddenly entertained an insatiable enthusiasm for the delightful habit of criticizing others.

If an adult is constantly criticizing how other people look, the girl will have a more critical voice about herself and others.

When President Trump attacks the media and his political opponents for criticizing him, he's attacking our founding principles.

I wish America would stop judging and criticizing teens and instead, try to understand the battles they have to fight every day.

We are the greatest experts in the world in criticizing our country, but no one loves his country more than the Israelis. No one.

In criticizing an ideology, one cannot be racist, hateful, or bigoted. These descriptors apply to positions held against people and not ideologies.

We must guard against disrespectful, disparaging, and criticizing thoughts. We must try to practice reverence and devotion in our thinking at all times.

I wrote several articles criticizing psychoanalysis, but the analysts weren't listening to my objections. So I finally quit after practicing it for six years.

Historians partial to Kennedy see matters differently from those partial to L.B.J. Vietnam has become a point of contention in defending and criticizing J.F.K.

I'd read things, like people criticizing me. But no one likes to read stuff about that, and probably the main thing that was getting to me was me mum's illness.

There's a certain missing feeling, a void out there that I'm more than happy to fill. Without criticizing what's out there now, I'm just going to do El DeBarge.

I have people criticizing me every day - even on my own website - so when you have people that are constantly bringing you down, it's not that hard to stay grounded.

I will tell you what I can't abide - and I think the Internet has really created a space for it - women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers.

From the very first, my countrymen have followed my literary career, now criticizing, now praising my work, but hardly ever letting a single word be buried in indifference.

There's always a reaction based on fear. People assume if you're criticizing a decision to go to war, then you're saying something against the soldiers-which is not the case.

Sadly, because of the enormous gap between rich and poor, some mothers can afford helpers, but many can't. Those who can would be kinder to refrain from criticizing other women.

Where most politicians would have abandoned a supporter like Jeremiah Wright and the community he served, Obama, while strongly criticizing him, did not throw his friend overboard.

When I talk about places like Saudi Arabia or Israel or even now with Venezuela, I'm not criticizing the people. I'm not criticizing their faith. I'm not criticizing their way of life.

As women, I think we're used to looking around to see what people think about this, who's approving of us, who's criticizing us, and whether we have to internalize their thoughts on us.

I saw how the regulation I called for made things worse, didn't help consumers and simple competition was better. And I started praising business and occasionally criticizing regulation.

I feel strange when I get applauded by people in power... because it's obvious that it's them I'm criticizing, but they can't show that in front of the cameras. It's quite funny sometimes.

I've covered the league over two decades, I've known Bryan Colangelo for a long, long time. He's not someone who goes on and off the record criticizing his contemporaries or his predecessors.

If you're criticizing Israel, but you're doing it in a way that implies that the Jewish people in America have a dual loyalty, that's anti-Semitism. It's more than just criticizing Israeli policy.

It had run as a column - I had worked at the paper since 1976, but the column had been running for 13 years, and I think it was a strong column, criticizing the war when the paper was supporting it.

I know that some people have different personas for the different things they do, and I'm not criticizing that - maybe it's a good thing - but I'm the same old person, so I take everything in stride.

President Obama should heed the advice of many of his own Democratic colleagues who have called the attacks 'nauseating' and 'unfair' and stay clear of criticizing Romney for his tenure at Bain Capital.

If you do this, you're going to have some heartaches from it. You're going to have people yelling at you or maybe screaming at you or criticizing you, but I think it's the best way to sell a superior chicken.

As soon as you concern yourself with the 'good' and 'bad' of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you.

The hardest thing is spending twelve hours a day accommodating the rest of the world, then going home at night and criticizing it. I would be curious about what I'd write if I didn't have to worry about offending.

I'm totally fine with people criticizing me in shows... people like this show, or don't; you're entitled to your opinion. But when people are criticizing you as a person, I have to say it's a little bit different.

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