Friendship is something that is cultivated.

I have cultivated my hysteria with pleasure and terror.

The more we can grow on already cultivated land, the better.

A friendship has to be cultivated. A friendship you have to give time.

The Japanese say, if the flower is to be beautiful, it must be cultivated.

My mother always cultivated my imagination from the time I was very little.

Countries are well cultivated, not as they are fertile, but as they are free.

I feel that my fans have cultivated my talent and they continue to nurture me.

Movies have only fascinated me; they've cultivated me, made me the person I am today.

Without numerous schools offering hands-on opportunities, no commander will be cultivated.

Our young people are assets to be cultivated and nurtured; let's begin treating them that way.

If fear is cultivated it will become stronger, if faith is cultivated it will achieve mastery.

Hizb ut-Tahrir spearheaded the radicalization of the 1990s and cultivated an atmosphere of anger.

The spirit of rock 'n' roll is alive and well. It kind of just needs to be cultivated a little bit.

I never cultivated a personality. Almost everyone who is really famous has cultivated a personality.

There's a tremendous intellectual fervor among independent filmmakers, and that has to be cultivated.

The myth of fame and the myth of success is cultivated because it is monetisable and it is profitable.

I don't see us as a big media gimmick band. We don't have a cultivated appearance or anything like Kiss.

Evergreen songs are not made overnight. They are cultivated and nurtured and born out of creative conflicts.

A great architect is not made by way of a brain nearly so much as he is made by way of a cultivated, enriched heart.

I grew up in suburban New Jersey in a transitional area that was surrounded by farmland that wasn't being cultivated.

There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite.

Happiness must be cultivated. It is like character. It is not a thing to be safely let alone for a moment, or it will run to weeds.

A relationship has to be cultivated. There have to be feelings of love for another first. But then you have to really like the person.

Until you have cultivated the habit of saying some kind word of those whom you do not admire, you will be neither successful nor happy.

Once upon a time, this idea of having a trained, disciplined, cultivated memory was not nearly so alien as it would seem to us to be today.

So far as it depends on the course of this government, our relations of good will and friendship will be sedulously cultivated with all nations.

I always thought success was from inside, so it was how diversified you were as a person and how cultivated or how much you cultivated yourself.

A taste for the best reading is not cultivated in Spanish girls, even where the treasures of that great Castilian literature are accessible to them.

Governments must ensure that the power of blogs is cultivated and implemented in collaborative ways, with a view to preserve peace and human dignity.

My father loved baseball and he cultivated my talent. I don't think he ever had any doubt in his mind that I would play professional baseball someday.

My female writers have always been my backbone. I had a writing room of six women for five years so I know what women do. Cultivated by me, by the way!

I've definitely met some people that cultivated a masculinity that they taught themselves. I don't know how they figured out how to do it, but I couldn't.

Whether you are a genius or an idiot, a thief or, like me, a Zen priest who has cultivated the mind for 30 years - the mind anyway is subject to conditions.

I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown.

America thrived in the 20th century because we made high school free. We sent a generation to college. We cultivated the most educated workforce in the world.

America's economy cannot be disentangled from the free labor that built it, just as America's culture cannot be unbound from the black artists who cultivated it.

Language is the soul of intellect, and reading is the essential process by which that intellect is cultivated beyond the commonplace experiences of everyday life.

The country is more of a wilderness, more of a wild solitude, in the winter than in the summer. The wild comes out. The urban, the cultivated, is hidden or negatived.

The death of Garang has unfortunately unleashed emotions of anger; some genuine, others cultivated by elements who wanted to pit one group of Sudanese against another.

Carlos, on paper, and Carlos, the guy who was in jail, is known to be a cultivated guy, the guy who handles big amounts of information, and for me, that was very important.

So I have cultivated the vast garden of human experience which is history, without troubling myself overmuch about laws, essential first causes, or how it is all coming out.

We have built cities, developed industry and cultivated agriculture - we have transformed the State of Israel into an example and symbol for many other countries in the world.

Savage people realize their aims through fighting, through conflict. Cultivated and intellectual souls believe that they will attain their aims through thought and discussion.

You get the feeling that many of my guests feel that the French language gives them entry into a more cultivated, more intelligent world, more highly civilised too, with rules.

Mos Def is a name that I built and cultivated over the years. It's a name that the streets taught me, a figure of speech that was given to me by the culture and by my environment.

Reps once took chances on art, History's most treasured musicians were believed in and cultivated to reach their potential. Today, it would be difficult for those musicians to get deals.

The very flag of freedom that waves over our heads is formed from material cultivated by slaves, on soil moistened with their blood drawn from them by the whip of a republican taskmaster!

Being incarcerated does not mean being devoid of the capacity to learn, grow, and think, and it's critical that prisons provide spaces where learning can be both cultivated and encouraged.

Fashion was in a crisis up until the mid-'90s and, when it came out of the crisis, it was a very different place. It was a place that nurtured and cultivated young entrepreneurial designers.

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