Dads are the best.

I'm as lame as all dads are.

Moms are as versatile as dads.

Normally I play dads, good guys, and little animals.

I want to be known as the Daniel Day-Lewis of TV dads.

I feel like dads should come more into their feminine side.

Dads offer the spiritual love that instills confidence in children.

I ask for a lot of advice from different fathers - all kinds of dads.

It's like our country is being run by a bunch of bad alcoholic dads right now.

I think my dad is a lot cooler than other dads. He still acts like he's still 17.

Deep down, I feel 'Doll & Em' is a love letter to our dads, because we adored them.

I was thinking, mothers show their love for their sons so much greater than dads do.

Family policy is not a zero-sum game: any gain for dads need not come at the expense of mums.

The dads across the soccer field looked at me as a dad just like them. And I was very grateful.

Films are deprived of the conventional elderly figures now. They are more into yo moms and dads.

Dads are not a risk to be managed, but a resource to be used for the benefit of the whole family.

Active dads make a positive contribution: they are good for children and they are good for mothers.

I love the fact that Facebook offers equal leave for moms and dads. Consider that for your company.

I think some men like to be hands-on dads. It's up to individuals. We did it the way that suited us.

My mom had did a wonderful job of giving me two great dads: I had a biological and non-biological dad.

Women work as much as men now, if not more. There's a resurgence of dads in the home and moms working.

Working moms, and increasingly working dads, don't want a government handout, but they do need a hand up.

The thing about dads is, even when they're very good, they don't do anything like as much as most mums do.

Shared parental leave is good for dads. Looking after their newborn on their own is a unique learning experience.

I did have two dads; one was a socialist, and one was a capitalist. I really decided I would rather be a capitalist.

My kids don't go back and forth; none of this 50/50 time with the mums and dads. My children live with me; that is it.

Dads have been increasingly hands-on for quite a while. And yet, we still insist on portraying dads as bumbling idiots.

There are so many single moms and dads out there, and we are all just trying to pick up the pieces together. It's hard.

I want mums and dads to get up together and train with the kids, exercise, have fun together and connect through fitness.

I think dads let babies take more of a risk, maybe bounce off a bed more or jump off a couch or do more risk-taking things.

I was an at-home father, taking care of them for seven years when they were babies. I was one of those new-age, at-home dads.

When moms and dads put their kids in acting class, good luck. Because you're just filling them with stuff they don't need yet.

I also turn down what's probably a good amount of coinage to be made out of playing dads, an incredible number of obnoxious dad.

I don't have children that I've lost in a bitter custody dispute. But I see an enormous wound in kids due to a lack of their dads.

Ninety percent of my best friends back home are plumbers, electricians, builders, or landscapers. Most of our dads worked in trades.

Teachers are expected to be teachers, psychiatrists, nurses, sociologists, psychologists, surrogate moms or dads, as the case may be.

I would love to be a dad. There are plenty of comedians who have kids. But they're dads. Being a dad is so different from being a mom.

Every year, dads will dress up as Santa and try to surprise their kids by coming down the chimney, and every year, a dad gets stuck and dies.

Kids seem to get me when I play colleges - they like it because I go after them. They'll come up after and say I am like their dads, only funny.

I've seen women who don't have great relationships with their dads, and it all comes down to this: You have to tell girls you love them every day.

In every movie and every TV show, the dads are morons. And dads tend to react by doing what dads do best: They check out. They say, 'Ask your mother.'

I had to go through the same things that anyone's son went through. And you know, there aren't that many guys whose dads played who got to the league.

All my life I have faced this awkwardness, as I almost sound like a guy. In fact, whenever I would call my friends, their dads would say, 'Hold on son.'

As far as children out there that hate their moms and dads, just get over it, because you get one dad and one mom. You know, suck it up. Learn something.

One of the greatest challenges in collecting child support is that deadbeat dads move from job to job and state to state. it's hard to keep track of them.

More of him came from my step-dad, who is now passed away. The initial creators of the show kind of based the character on their dads and then I added my dad.

Mums ask me how to get their husbands off the couch as well as asking me to marry them. But kids ask me to get their mums and dads to play with them more as well.

When I'm home, I've got the kind of time that other dads who live there full time don't have. I can go and have lunch with my kids at school and that sort of thing.

I see a lot of moms and dads frustrated because their kids have their devices at the dinner table and they can't seem to get their attention as much as they used to.

Two dads have sent me letters that said my books changed their daughters' lives. I send them packages with T-shirts and posters because, come on... that's the coolest.

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