I create vibe-y dance music.

Gay nightclubs offer better dance music.

I'm a big fan of electronic dance music.

Dance music tends to be a solitary affair.

As much my music is dance music, it is also pop.

Dance music was on its arse before we came along.

I love that way dance music can put you in a trance.

House music is the root of all electronic dance music.

I actually have been really influenced by dance music.

Holland is to dance music what Nashville is to country.

All New Orleans music is based off dance music, even jazz.

I'm a DJ who makes dance music who got to play with Sting.

I think every Dutch person has a connection with dance music.

I think hip hop is a dance music that's rebellious by nature.

When I'm running, I like to listen to dance music and hip-hop.

There's only so much you can do with a male voice in dance music.

I don't think I make dance music. It's not even 4/4. And it's slow.

I do dance music, and I can be pretty camp myself from time to time.

I like hip-hop, I like a lot of dance music. If it's got drums in it.

Dance music makes us dance. Let us get off our couch and spin around!

Dance music is like a virus: it has affected so many different genres.

I love grooves and dance music, but I like the feeling behind songs too.

What I don't like is dance music or hip hop or any of that sort of thing.

Dance music will always be around. People around the world love to dance.

Dance music has pushed its way into the mainstream. Which is good for me.

I'm gonna be honest: I was never really a fan of techno music, dance music.

When Talking Heads started, we called ourselves Thinking Man's Dance Music.

From the beginning, I wanted to make dance music with a human element to it.

I make dance music because I love to dance. But I want to think at the same time.

Music is good when it makes you dance. Music is great when it makes you who you are

Dance music is great, but it's not a time to be reflective or particularly wistful.

The producers and writers of dance music are becoming the stars, not so much the DJs.

I was very into tribal techno and used to go and really lose myself in great dance music.

Even before I auditioned for 'X Factor' the second time, I was doing a lot of dance music.

I'm not necessarily that big of a clubbing junkie, but I really like dance music as a genre.

I play a lot of hard, uncompromising dance music; it can be anything from dance to rock to reggae.

Dance music is my love, is my passion, is my life. I live for my fans and take my art very seriously.

Most music that comes out of Holland is basically the harder part of dance music - hip-hop, drum'n'bass.

Dance music is an emotional journey. It's how well you can make people feel something that they haven't felt.

We were introduced to a lot of dance music that we were blown over by. Kidnap Kid we love, WOZ, and Rudimental.

At heart I'm a hip-hop kid and an R&B kid, but I've always had an appreciation for club culture and dance music.

This was a time frame when dance music and clubs were having a real impact on culture, and it had an impact on me.

Dance music is so interchangeable. There's not a lot of face to it. It's a bunch of Dutch DJs with the same haircut.

I think New Order have got their own sound. But what we like to do is experiment, using dance music and other things.

I love rock music, dance music, so it depends on my mood. But I mainly listen to dance music before going out on court.

I do love dance music, but at the same time, I'm not looking to put out a big pop album. You've got to be the best you can be.

Every music - except dance music, which is for dancing, I suppose - is for the spirit of the human being, and not for the body.

I was always very into heavy metal, and heavy metal is full of emotion and extremes, and I think that's the same in dance music.

It's really cool to see glowsticks at the show, to see dance music culture infiltrating and becoming one with the metal community.

Dance music always goes through its changes; many styles come have their light and go back to the underground 'til it happens again.

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