I like consistency in defenders.

Listen, if you're a defender, DO BETTER!

If they want to do a 'Defenders 2,' I'm in.

Batistuta is very good at pulling off defenders

I'm Lou Barletta, and I'm a small town defender.

[I'm] a huge defender of clowns around the world.

Defenders see things way different than blockers.

Their forward got a lucky squeeze from the defender.

Throughout my career, I hope to see the best defenders.

Defenders must be careful yet decisive when taking action.

It's a bitter thing to have one or more defenders missing.

Every time Luis Suarez is close, he pushes defenders around.

Prosecutors and public defenders deserve to make a living wage.

Of course defenders will try to provoke me - that is their job.

The nation which forgets its defenders will be itself forgotten.

Defenders are always tough, whether you play in Spain or England.

The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders.

I'm not a Hillary Clinton defender. I'm a Hillary Clinton promoter.

In Italy, you must think faster than defenders. It is a tough school.

When I draw defenders into the lane, it's easy for me to kick it out.

Defenders don't really get any sort of notoriety or anything like that.

The nation's obligation to her defenders is as old as that defense itself.

Maybe defenders don't always get the recognition like the other players get.

There are plenty of good central defenders around and I enjoy watching them.

It is unevolved to want to celebrate the architects and defenders of slavery.

Presnel Kimpembe has everything to become one of the best defenders in Europe.

If you want to remain at liberty, I suggest you not antagonize your defenders.

No matter which defenders are in front of me, they better be scared because of me.

Since my early days, I've been used to playing with older boys and strong defenders.

I'm liking the Bundesliga. There's a lot of top, top defenders that you come across.

There is no error so monstrous that it fails to find defenders among the ablest men.

My Instagram is basically all knitting, my dog, and a little bit of 'The Defenders.'

Sometimes defenders kick me without the ball and I don't say anything and no one sees.

I don't have a problem with any defenders. I've always played against great defenders.

A lot of players try to buy penalties, and sometimes defenders can't do a lot about it.

For many Mexican human rights defenders, confronting the military does not end so well.

Truth often suffers more by the heat of its defenders than the arguments of its opposers.

You want to play against the best defenders and the best teams. You want to test yourself.

Without being arrogant, I think I have proved I am one of the best defenders in the world.

The defenders of decent society and the disciples of degeneracy are often the same people.

I believe that I'm one of the best defenders in this league; I take a lot of pride in that.

Two English defenders were among the finest I played against: John Terry and Rio Ferdinand.

I remember the best defenders were Baresi and Cannavaro - you don't have to be really tall.

You put a lot of pressure on your defenders to be able to hold the fort when you go forward.

When we realize we can stop being Jesus defenders, we can start being Jesus representatives .

Defending is not only done by the defenders, just as attacking is not only down to the forwards.

Liberals are stalwart defenders of civil liberties - provided we're only talking about criminals.

I feel like I can be one of the top defenders in the league and that's what I'm going to try to be.

I like to battle with defenders if I have to. I don't know where it comes from; I am not a nasty guy.

A lot of good pick-and-roll players keep the defenders on their back so they can see the whole floor.

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