Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same ...

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

Real men change diapers!

When in doubt, make funny faces.

Always remember your kid's name.

I was raised as a red diaper baby.

A diaper is as inspiring as a drink.

No one likes change but babies in diapers.

No one likes change... but babies in diapers.

Minds, like diapers, need occasional changing.

Heroes don't wear diapers. It's just not cool.

Diapers do not belong on the same table as food.

I have videos of me playing basketball in diapers.

When you become a parent, you start loving diapers.

Washington is a dirty diaper. It's time for a change.

Leave my diapers moist in the back seat of your Rolls Royce

Now it's not D.T.F., It's now, diapers, tantrums and formula.

I've raised Michael. I changed his diapers when he was little.

The Mum has the temper of a demon with a diaper rash. (Shamus)

The only time you can change someone is when they are in diapers.

How to fold a diaper depends on the size of the baby and the diaper.

I recommend that everyone have a Diaper Genie. Who can live without it?

I learned how to change a cloth diaper on a raccoon, i was maybe 8 or 9.

An imaginary baby is so much easier than a real baby. No diapers to change.

My wife is a saint. She's Gandhi. She walks around in diapers and won't eat.

Changing diapers is one of the most leveling things that has ever happened to me.

Congressmen are like diapers - You need to change them often, and for the same reason

I was pissin' Vince McMahon off when the red on the back of your neck was diaper rash!

Winning the green jacket is great - I can pay for all the diapers I'm going to have to get.

With two little boys in diapers, I had to keep it simple if I were going to have a life at all.

I've dug so deep into his background, I can practically tell you when he stopped waring diapers.

I didn't expect babies to need so many diapers. Nobody told me they needed to be changed so often.

One of the most important things to remember about infant care is: don't change diapers in midstream.

What passes for news is just morbid speculation or cartoonish screaming, followed by diaper commercials.

The real Michael Jackson that has not been seen... with children, one in diapers, the other two toddlers.

I learned real fast that you need to have a plan of action when changing diapers, or it can get dicey fast.

I actually enjoyed changing diapers and I enjoyed swaddling. I don't mind being swaddled either, on occasion.

I didn't live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. My diapers were nappy cloth. I didn't live in a big house.

If you were out of a job and your kid needed diapers and your husband just left you, you would be so confused.

Having twin girls is a life changer - that's for sure. But I like getting up and changing diapers. It's the things you do.

I was in diapers when my parents left me with the babysitter to participate in an armored car robbery. They never came home.

I'm pretty sure that changing diapers of all sizes isn't the kind of women's work Betty Friedan had in mind, nor Linda Hirshman.

I can change a diaper in 30 seconds flat. I set the new one beneath the old one. That way, it's just wipe and pull the flap over

I get to see my baby's development. I get to change diapers, I get to be a real father, something that I didn't have growing up.

Funny how words in one language get used in another language. For example, 'scotch' in Russian is tape and 'pampers' means diapers.

No one's raising children any more. To love a child, you've got to work for it. You have to change its diapers and feed it at night!

There's no better way to unplug than having children. Changing diapers is one of the most leveling things that has ever happened to me.

I don't know that I'm going to entirely do cloth diapers. I'd like to be ambitious about it, but in all honesty, I can't say that I will.

I'll tell you my routine - it's really exciting. I feed, I burp, I change diapers, I pump. And then I have a tiny window of time to myself.

I love the smell of diapers; I even like when they're wet and you smell them all warm like a baked good. I love the smell of Balmex. Love it.

You have to change those diapers every day. When those directions on the side of the Pampers box say, 'holds 6-12 pounds' they're not kidding!

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