Arrogance follows distribution strength.

YouTube is a platform, a distribution vehicle.

Power expands through the distribution of secrecy.

If you control your distribution, you control your image.

One man's larceny is another's just distribution of goods.

The two offices of memory are collection and distribution.

Real politics are the possession and distribution of power.

I think all indie filmmakers should just give up on distribution.

Hollywood used to control the distribution; now Silicon Valley does.

People who work in distribution will be distributors all their life.

The problem with this world is the unequal distribution of capitalism.

Brothers McMullen' would not be picked up for theatrical distribution now.

'Brothers McMullen' would not be picked up for theatrical distribution now.

Digital Distribution and the Whip Hand: Don't Get iTunesed with your eBooks

Most of my books have caused distribution and printing problems in the past.

By getting into distribution and production, I am actually widening my base.

The world distribution of French movies is a laughing matter. That is a fact.

Maximum distribution of research findings is essential to maximise their impact.

I think it's great anytime somebody can be in control of their own distribution.

Inequality is inextricably linked with distribution of land and natural resources.

Our economic approach to food and its distribution reflects our basic moral values.

The idea of being associated with Bollywood prompted me to get into DVD distribution.

A distribution is just if it arises from another just distribution by legitimate means.

Public utility pleads most forcibly for the general distribution of the Holy Scriptures.

To go indie is a thing. But to put an album in the stores, you need a distribution label.

Corporate houses and big companies can be meaningful distribution channels for start-ups.

To have TNT and ITV, this is the best distribution any wrestling company has had bar none.

Provision was also made for the distribution of Germany's foreign assets among the Allies.

Amazon has well passed any expectations of its ability to change distribution and marketing.

Why should a filmmaker turn over the irreplaceable asset, the movie, to a distribution center?

In a zero-sum game, the problem is entirely one of distribution, not at all one of production.

The market economy is very good at wealth creation but not perfect at all about wealth distribution.

It can be demonstrated that in any society there is a distribution of religious tastes and concerns.

So usually you have to have product distribution as more fundamental than what the actual product is.

My goal is to continue to build Marley Coffee distribution and add our own stand-alone retail stores.

Khadi mentality means decentralization of the production and distribution of the necessaries of life.

Climate change is a complex problem with no central lever, and with unequal distribution of resources.

Many of the problems that families face can be solved with great technology, design, and distribution.

I look to work with businesses that know what they are doing but need larger distribution or exposure.

I learned at 50 that there are things that are not my department. Distribution is one of those things.

The income distribution system constructed in the 20th century has broken down, and it will not come back.

America... an economic system prouder of the distribution of its products than of the products themselves.

At some point, a group of people working towards similar goals will exhibit a distribution of performance.

Things like Ferguson and Eric Garner show us there's an unequal distribution of forward momentum in America.

We have been growing more food than we need since the '60s... what we have is a terrible distribution problem.

I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution.

Ironically, it's easier to raise the money to make the film than it is to have the film find wide distribution.

Does inequality in the distribution of income increase or decrease in the course of a country's economic growth?

The power of digital distribution over physical retail outlets is you have a chance to create a global audience.

Fat Joe is signed to Fat Joe. I have a distribution deal for my label. I'm independent. I'm very happy with that.

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