I'm drawn to dreams.

So much TV is drawn out.

I'm just drawn to hands.

I'm drawn to bad romances.

I am drawn to public service.

I am drawn to courageous women.

I'm drawn to that period, the '50s.

I'm really drawn to European films.

I've always been drawn to the ocean.

I was always drawn to the didgeridoo.

God is decisively drawn to the humble.

I was always drawn to beautiful women.

I've always been drawn to older women.

I've always been drawn to raw material.

I'm drawn to the funny brand of comedy.

I am always drawn to father/son stories.

I've always been drawn to city skylines.

I think I'm always drawn to a good story.

I'm drawn to the not-so-perfect character.

I'm drawn to the path of least resistance.

I am drawn to humorous art that is ironic.

I'm drawn to raw material and raw emotions.

I'm drawn to damaged, complicated characters.

I've always been drawn to historical fiction.

I'm always drawn to melancholy personalities.

I was drawn to performing and to storytelling.

The truth is, I'm drawn to all kinds of things.

I seem to be drawn to the really romantic songs.

I've always been drawn to ambiguity in pop music.

I am drawn towards this new format of web series.

I'm drawn to writers with skill sets I don't have.

I've drawn some things that have fallen very flat.

I seem to be drawn to things that actually happen.

I'm only the third artist who's ever drawn at Gitmo.

When it came to rock, I was always drawn to guitars.

Kids are more drawn to animal characters than human.

I've always drawn on bits and pieces of my own life.

I have always drawn strength from being close to home.

Clearly, I'm drawn to characters with inner conflicts.

I've never been much drawn towards satire of any kind.

I'm very phobic about flying, but I'm also drawn to it.

Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.

When neither party can give checkmate, the game is drawn.

I love visual mediums, and I've always painted and drawn.

I'm drawn to roles where someone has to struggle or fight.

I have drawn a very close bond to all the military people.

I'm really drawn to relationship stories and human emotions.

People are drawn to the spiritual. It has a universal appeal.

I feel like kids naturally love guns, so I was drawn to that.

Even before you understand them, your brain is drawn to maps.

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