I realized I needed to address people, not just dress them.

I'm not a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size.

You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.

We say something every morning when we decide how to dress.

A woman is a dish for the gods, if the devil dress her not.

Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith.

Know your true measurements and dress your mind accordingly

The love of dress is very marked in this attractive animal.

A good shoe is one that doesn't dress you but undresses you.

At least I get my little black dress cleaned once in awhile.

I love older lady style. They dress for themselves everyday.

I'm really laid back but I still like to dress up sometimes.

However I dress it up, I was a spy and I am not proud of it.

Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.

Pulling off a zebra-print dress can be challenging for some.

Adolescence isn't just about prom or wearing sparkly dresses.

The plainer the dress, the greater luster does beauty appear.

I don't wear dresses and flowers in my hair and float around!

I used to dress up as a model for Halloween, like every year.

All dress is fancy dress, is it not, except our natural skins?

This dress exacerbates the genetic betrayal that is my legacy.

I always think you can never go wrong with a cute party dress.

I dress the way I want. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not.

If you're into a certain band, you're into the way they dress.

You might say that I'm the Michelangelo of the dress business.

But I love how people who are musical, they know how to dress.

I'm not into looking crisp. That's not how I dress or who I am.

You don't have to put dresses in a movie to make girls like it.

Boy George is all England needs. Another queen who can't dress.

I tend to dress a little more sophisticated than most women do.

History indulges strange whims in the way it dresses its women.

There's almost a T-shirt feeling to wearing my evening dresses.

If I'm wearing a flower dress, why do I have to wear underwear?

I could step out of this sad life like it's an old sorry dress.

There is no sound more feminine than a woman in a taffeta dress.

A man cannot dress, but his ideas get cloath'd at the same time.

There is no doubt a new dress is a help under all circumstances.

I do not really shop. Most of my clothes I make. I dress simply.

The truth is I quite like to dress in jeans and a woolly jumper.

Affectation is as necessary to the mind as dress is to the body.

Your life is not a dress rehearsal - this is it! It's show time!

I rationalize shop. I buy a dress because I need change for gum.

I want to be pure in heart -- but I like to wear my purple dress.

[Petunias are] as hopelessly impractical as a chiffon ball dress.

A great dress can make you remember what is beautiful about life.

I'm super girly and like to wear skirts and dresses all the time.

You can make anything into a special occasion and dress up for it

I like to dress, I love to have make-up on, I like to do my hair.

My dresses help women discover figures they didn't know they had.

For the red carpet, I think dress first and the makeup to follow.

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