'Eastern Promises' is great.

My family's from Eastern Europe.

Vienna is the gate to Eastern Europe.

Russia is an Eastern Orthodox country.

Christianity... is an Eastern religion.

Education is neither eastern nor western.

I do fairly represent Middle Eastern women.

I loved history and Eastern European politics.

I think Middle Eastern hair is very resilient.

Prior to being a Canadian, I'm also Middle Eastern.

I toured the Middle Eastern countries with the ballet.

There is no individualism in Eastern or oral cultures.

Education is neither Eastern nor Western, it is human.

I'm against the capturing of Eastern Orthodox temples.

The western mind is linear, the eastern mind is circular.

Building up the arms did not cause the fall of Eastern Europe.

Kenyon Martin is the 2nd best player in the Eastern Conference.

I eat tall, chinny, Eastern European heavyweights for breakfast.

The Black Sea is Eastern Europe's counterpart to the Mediterranean.

I was born in Eastern Europe, in Latvia, and I'm fluent in Russian.

I feel like I've mixed my Middle Eastern and Western loves together.

Appalachia, my state, eastern Kentucky, has a large amount of poverty.

I've never enriched myself via privatization schemes in Eastern Europe.

We're rediscovering Christianity as an Eastern religion, as a way of life.

North America can easily fragment quickly as did the Eastern Bloc in 1989.

The whole thing with eastern music and instruments, I love all that stuff.

I've always loved mixing Middle Eastern instruments into a classical orchestra.

The only thing I oppose is persecuting of Eastern Orthodox priests and temples.

Eastern medicine is not about curing your sickness. It's about keeping you well.

I'm all for natural solutions. I'm for eastern philosophies. Yoga is a good one.

The idea of building a Near Eastern house in Honolulu must seem fantastic to many.

I'm a hard-mouthed north-eastern lad. That's me - the Eminem of Northeast England.

I've always played music. But you know, in eastern Kentucky, everybody plays music.

You know, religion itself, Eastern and Western, is divisive and quarrelsome anyway.

I thought they would never select an Eastern writer for the Nobel. I was surprised.

I'm writing a new love story, set in eastern North Carolina. Surprise, surprise, huh?

Even at drama school if there was a part of some eastern European thug it would be me.

America's relations with complex Middle Eastern states such as Egypt are often difficult.

I grew up in Rayagada in Orissa state in eastern India. Few people have even heard of it.

We'll surely stop the work of all western Christian and eastern religions, and also Islam.

When you live in Vancouver, you realize most of the population is in eastern North America.

Yeah, I'm from North Carolina, but grew up in Eastern Europe, and became a woman in London.

I lived a very, very Middle Eastern life until I was in my early 20s. It was very sheltered.

Kosovo today is closer to Europe than other countries in the region of South Eastern Europe.

I like museums in Berlin a lot, especially in the eastern part. They're extraordinarily good.

I could, as a free man, look across the bay toward the Eastern Shore where I was born a slave.

Growing up in eastern Germany, I knew of Superman, but he didn't resonate emotionally with me.

Growing up in eastern Kentucky like I did, I'm used to having a few guns around to protect me.

I think about sustainability all the time, whether it's with fish or farmers in Eastern Oregon.

There is huge merit in both Eastern and Western medicine, and I've taken a little bit from both.

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