To achieve our goals of educating bold and ambitious children, we must invest in enriching, quality early child care and learning.

I was really educating myself on the environment, but I didn't realize it was so connected to politics, connected to globalization.

In the 2000s, I became an artist. I started preserving and educating. I became more obsessed with making iPod playlists for people.

We have done a poor job educating people about education. Only when we have clarified that can we talk about how best to achieve it.

I was an English major at UCLA when I was 18, and then I left after a year to start acting. I was educating myself during that time.

Either you are a good Virgo or a crazy Virgo! The good Virgo side of me is educating and raising the children - being there for them.

When fathers are actually in the household and more families are educating their children, then our society will be a whole lot better.

The most important service rendered by the press and the magazines is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.

Educating our children and giving them the skills they need to compete in a global economy is a smart investment in our country's future.

The choices of roles I made had to do with educating and entertaining. And as a result I found myself working only every two or three years.

It isn't often that the logic behind a policy is so clear. But when it comes to the value of educating girls, the evidence speaks for itself.

I think we put our children at an enormous disadvantage by not educating them in war, by not letting them understand about it at an early age.

I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money.

Appropriate assessments are a crucial part of effectively educating students. But they only measure a narrow segment of what kids need to learn.

Investments in immunization yield a rate of return on a par with educating our children - and higher than nearly any other development intervention.

Historically, the family has played the primary role in educating children for life, with the school providing supplemental scaffolding to the family.

Teach love, generosity, good manners and some of that will drift from the classroom to the home and who knows, the children will be educating the parents.

The TV work is so dynamic. You are in front of the cameras, but you are also educating people and genuinely really excited about showing off your products.

There's a million things wrong with government that need to get fixed, but none of its ever going to get fixed unless we start educating our children better.

The principles behind explaining and educating the product or the elected official is similar, even though the actual execution of it is very, very different.

At the federal level, we must help, not hinder, local school boards, parents, teachers and administrators as they make decisions about educating our children.

Parochial schools in the United States are also responsible for educating students from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds, including many who are non-Catholic.

People are so involved with immediate care, but at the same time there needs to be investment in educating people as adolescents when they're still HIV negative.

I found collaborating with congenial doctors about problems that physicists could help solve was very satisfying. I also like educating anybody who would listen!

I grew up in conservative rural Kansas in the 1950s when it was expected that girls would not have a life outside the home, so educating them was a waste of time.

In subsequent years the groups you named had important roles in educating people about the real issues in Washington and Raleigh, and within the Democratic Party.

Since acquiring major interests in Dole Food Company 28 years ago, educating the public on proper diet has constituted the agenda of the Dole Nutrition Institute.

I write on the acoustic guitar, I write some on the piano, but I've been messing around with these guitar pedals and drum machines, educating myself in that world.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and the rest of the Ivy League are worthy institutions, to be sure, but they're not known for educating large numbers of poor young people.

The King Center in Atlanta specializes in educating people about my father's life, work and teachings, and we have resources and programs available for that purpose.

Politics also means educating people. It's important to speak openly with our fellow Greeks, to tell them what our problems are and that we have to change something.

Teachers do the noble work of educating our children. And we can't thank them enough for the hard work they put in every day to ensure a bright future for all of us.

I watched my parents go from having very basic jobs to educating themselves, to buying a house. They set a really good bar for what they wanted their kids to achieve.

The first step in securing our cyber future is education, and that means everything from educating individuals to companies to the next generation of IT professionals.

Shikun & Binui, our infrastructure and real estate company, implements sustainability by building their projects 100% sustainable while educating their employees worldwide.

I love educating myself on different cultures' dishes and foods that are important and celebrated within that culture. I also think food brings people together. It's unifying!

Since the conception of our country, America has held that parents, not schools, teachers, and certainly not courts, hold the primary responsibility of educating their children.

HBCUs have been a bedrock of the Black community since their founding, evolving into institutions of prodigious scholarship and activism, and educating African-Americans nationwide.

I've done jiujitsu a huge chunk of my life, and I try to spend a lot of time educating people on the nuances, the subtleness of the ground game. It's a big part of mixed martial arts.

I believe that the kids are innocent victims in this. We spent money educating them. Many of them don't speak a word of Spanish, and we're thinking of deporting them. That doesn't make sense.

The government can't even do a good job of something as simple as running the Post Office. How can it be expected to do a good job with something really important, like educating our children?

The U.S. has spent billions of dollars on educating and supporting teachers or developing curricula but no resources are applied to 'improving the brain' that a student brings to the classroom.

Better educating our college students on the risks of high student debt and helping them to find alternatives to taking out student loans would help make the difference to their financial future.

I'm a big proponent of mandatory computer science education. I think the first step is educating policymakers that technology is changing the way that we live and work, and it's happening so fast.

I am honored to be selected as the first-ever PGA WORKS Ambassador. Through CORE4, we are committed to training, educating and guiding young men and women toward success in everything they do in life.

I totally believe parents should talk to their kids about drugs. I totally believe that educating them in every way is really important. But on the other hand, I've learned it's not as simple as that.

Educating girls prevents child marriage and early pregnancy and helps women get jobs, which boosts household incomes and economic growth. It gives girls a voice and helps them to shape their own futures.

I said to my doctor at the beginning, 'I'm no good; I can't do anything. I'm dumb.' He suggested I try educating myself by listening to Boston's educational TV station. He said I had a perfectly good mind.

I try to support groups that are about educating people about different races, different religions, different cultures and different situations so that we can break down the barriers of prejudice and bigotry.

Due to the UFC educating people on MMA as a sport, people give us the respect as athletes, opening doors to opportunities which wasn't available in the past. It has been amazing to be part of the UFC journey.

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